Hanahaki au or whatever pt 1

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Hey guys! We are so close to 1k reads and we are currently at 800 and I'm so thankful for all you beautiful people who actually read my garbage :D! Y'all are the real MVP! 

In Japan, they tell tales of a deadly disease. It is born from one-sided love and after a long time of the victim's feeling not being returned. First, the victim of the disease will cough up flower petals grown from their own lungs in the color of the other person's soul. Then, they will begin to cough up blood, the flowers themselves, and they will start growing on their outer body. There are ways to get rid of it, though. 1: get the petals removed, though they would lose any feelings whatsoever of the other person of interest. 2: They can develop feelings for someone else who returns them and completely get over the other person. 3: They must confess their feelings. If the other person returns their feelings, the symptoms of Hanahaki will disappear. But if they don't, they will die, surrounded by flower petals.

+Lance POV+ 

     I knew I should have gotten over her sooner, but how could I, she was the most beautiful person I had seen in my life and I had to make her mine. But I couldn't, all I could do was flirt— that's all I ever do anyways. 

     Sometimes I wonder if I flirt to replace my lack of actual feelings. Or not, because I guess I've got it bad. Well, there's  nothing I can do now, as I sit in my bathroom throwing up pink and purple flowers petals. I've been like this since yesterday. I was just talking to Allura and I got this awful pain in my throat. I ran to my room and coughed up a few pink flower petals, Juniberries to be exact— Allura's favorite flower. I had been to enough summer camps to hear the scary stories of the Hanahaki disease. 

     Of course, I knew it was just a story to scare little kids into avoiding the gardens and picking flowers, but I was forced to change my mind. I knew exactly what I was dealing with, but at the same time, I didn't know what to do. The team would eventually find out and Allura clearly isn't into me, so she would tell me how she doesn't love me and I would die. I don't want to die, I'm almost 18 and I have an intergalactic war to fight in, I pilot the red lion of Voltron for quiznaks sake! I need to find another way.

~Third POV~

Lance's throat was sore and dry from coughing and he just wanted to do the one thing he thought he was good at— sulking. Since the castle was pretty quiet, he expected at least one person to be there, and to no surprise, Pidge was already there, typing away on her laptop.

"Hey Lance," she said, not looking away from computer once. 

"Whatcha doing Pidgey?" Asked Lance, trying to get his mind off of inevitable. (make as many Endgame memes as you want from that I don't care.)

"I'm just updating the castle's anti virus system," she replied.

"Really? That's cool, I can't do any of that smart stuff, being the dumb one and all," Lance said.

Pidge was caught off-guard by that, and wasn't expecting Lance of all people to be speaking I'll of himself.

"What, who says that?" Asked Pidge, with concern in her voice.

"I thought everyone thought that, including you, since you're the smartest and all," Lance replied. 

      Pidge was a bit flattered by his statement of her being the smartest, but was annoyed that he just assumed that she thought of him that way. She knew that he could be a little clueless sometimes, but who hasn't been? Pidge was never good with feelings, but she knew something was up. 

    Ever since they met, Pidge always felt guilty about not spending some bonding  time with her teammates back at the Galaxy Garrison. Even though she confided in her tech and other things she had made over the years, one thing she always kept to herself were her romantic feelings. Specifically, the ones about Lance. She always had an engineer or a scientist to write in her diary about, but Lance was a little different to her. Sure, he was a goofball and a total flirt, but he was still sweet and devoted to the helping his fellow paladins. 

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