Riverdale au or whatever pt 1

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THANKS FOR 264 READS! So I died for like a month sorry fellas, the end of the school year is a mess so far and I'm almost out of school for the summer so I'll try to write more often. Okay hot shots, my friend won't stop talking about river so I let her make an au for Plance. 

This isn't supposed to be Bughead (except it is) because the Voltron characters still have their normal personalities (Pidge the spicy nerd, Lance the Loverboy, Keith the emo, Allura the smart alec etc.) Pidge was known as the "short, well behaved nerd" but her parents were always crazy and she needed to get away. Lance had a rough life with his dad but tries to remain the "flirty bad-with-a-good-side-boy", but they make it work. Just read it.

~Lance's POV~

     It all started about two weeks before our sophomore year of high school when news broke out that Romelle's brother, Bandor, had gone missing. 'Wanted' posters with her face had been posted everywhere in our small town called Riverdale. As I write this, it is currently 8 p.m., the night before the first day of 10th grade and it already seems to be getting dark. Right now, I am at Coran's Chock'Lit Shoppe eating a burger since my dad is probably too drunk to be doing anything, let alone cook.  

I took a short break from typing to eat a bite of food. I don't mind coming to Pop's, it's peaceful when no one is here. It's a small town so everybody just about knows everybody else. The owner of This diner, Coran, was just washing dishes when I heard the jingle of the door opening.

•Pidge's POV•

     I was in my room with my best friend Hunk and I was getting ready for a late dinner at 8 with my friend who I've known since like...forever, Keith Kogane. He was my next door neighbor and we've always been neighbors. Hunk was sitting on my bed and I was searching my closet for something to wear. I didn't really know what to wear since I didn't know if it was a date or not. I was hoping it was a date since I really liked this guy and I just wanted to have my first date ever before I became a sophomore. 

"Whoa Pidge, look," Hunk said, facing my wonder that could see into Keith's room next door. 

"Keith got hot!" He exclaimed as I rushed over. I quickly covered my window with my curtains so he couldn't see us staring at the abs he got over the summer. I quickly tied my short hair into a small ponytail and rushed out so I wouldn't be late to Pop's. I ran outside to the house next to mine and rang the doorbell.

"Oh hey Katie, sorry about Kosmo," Keith said at the door, trying to keep his dog from getting outside. 

"Oh it's fine. I know Pop's is open 24 hours a day, but we both still have a curfew so if you're ready..." I said, tugging on my white crop top and green sweatpants. 

"Yeah just let me get my shoes." He replied.

I adjusted my glasses and Keith and I were ready to go. We normally walked everywhere since it was a small town and we didn't have cars yet. We walked into the diner and it was mostly empty except for a tall boy in a blue jacket and a blue beanie typing away on his computer until he looked at me. I just ignored him and Keith and I ordered our food. 

+Third Person POV+

Pidge and Keith walked into the diner when Lance had a quick glance up from his laptop and looked at Pidge. They made eye contact, but only for less than a second. She's kind of cute he thought to himself. He quickly dismissed the thought however because it seemed like she had a boyfriend since she and Keith were dressed a little nicer. 

     "I'll have a strawberry milkshake and Pidge will have vanilla," Keith said as he ordered for them. Some time passed when a girl with long white hair and a black dress walked into the diner.  "Hello, I'm Allura and I just moved here, do any of you two go to Riverdale High School?" Asked the girl. "Yes, we do...would you like to sit with us?" Keith couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Pidge on the other hand, wasn't too keen on the fact that guy she liked was marveling at some other girl. "Oh no, I'm sorry but I just had to order some food for my mother and I since we are staying on the...wealthier area of Riverdale's north side, plus I wouldn't want to intrude in your date," Keith and Pidge sort of blushed at her misunderstanding, but Allura clearly seemed to be trying to hide her boast of wealth at them even though they all lived on the north side. 

     Lance however, grew up on the south side where gangs and drugs ruled the streets. He moved into a drive-in movie theater in the north side to get away from home and his gang leader father though. 

Next Morning time skip brought to you by that one little girl who can't pronounce "who"

Pidge was awoken by her mother the next morning for the first day of school. "Katie, wake up," her mother said. Pidge got up and took her pills and then went downstairs for breakfast. She got her stuff together and walked out the door and over to Keith's house. She knocked on the door but instead of Keith answering, it was the boy she had seen at the diner. 

"Uh hey, are you looking for Keith?" He asked.

"Oh, yes I am, actually. Were you at Pop's last night at around 8?" Pidge asked in response.

"Yeah, I'm Lance"

"I'm Katie but don't call me that, I go by Pidge,"

"That's a cool name," Lance said, smiling 

"Oh hey Lance, wanna walk with us? We're going to school so let's not make any stops,"

     Pidge just smiled and they walked. She got a better look at his face now, and she actually thought he was kind of cute. The two were both separated by Keith while walking so they couldn't really talk directly without making Keith feel like a third wheel, even though both of them knew he never cared. Pidge and Lance had seen each other around school. Pidge had seen Lance hang around Keith sometimes, but never really noticed or paid any attention to him.

     When they got to school, Pidge saw a familiar face--Allura. Keith being the emo he was, marveled at her beauty without saying much, but it was easy to tell he was somewhat into her. Little did they know, it would only get crazier as the year went on. "Hey guys, Romelle is handing out Missing posters about Bandor. Apparently he's worth over $5,000,000 to their family," Hunk exclaimed as he saw his friends approaching the building. 


(Y) Shame because Amanda can't write her heccity heccin book. I like Riverdale. You do too? Then vote for part 2! Yeah I'm asking for votes but that's how it's done around here children. Those who do and behave well get some gamer girl feet. Bye!- 

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