part 11

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as i walk into the party, joey put his hand over my lower back, making sure to keep me close.

i'm wearing a black dress that showed my chest a lot. luckily, i have a jean jacket on but i have to keep on pulling the dress down.

i feel even more uncomfortable because now people are actually going to see me. everyone knows joey and so of course they're going to know his "girlfriend"

i'm not going to be clementine richards anymore. i'm going to be joey birlem's girlfriend. i won't even have a name, i'll just be "girlfriend"

"what are you thinking about?" joey asked, just ruining the moment like always.

we sat down on the couch as people watched. "stuff."

"like?" he asked.

"stuff." i looked around the room to see if haillie was here. regret flushed over me as i didn't see her face. i wanna get away from here, from him. "i'm going to get a drink."

"i can get it." he says. since when is he being soft? he would usually just tell me to get it myself but he's actually being a gentleman for once.

well he was when we first met but then he switched up on me when i said that thing about his mom. ever since that happened, he's been
so petty.

"um sure." i said, "i want water, though." i said.

he smiled at me and got up. "i'll be right back." he said walking into the kitchen.

i looked around the room over the loud music. in the corner, i saw millie and jacob arguing. the usual i guess.

she said something to him and then walked away. as she was walking away, she saw me and sat down next to me.

"you saw that didn't you, huh?" she said as she slouched shoulders and wiped her tears.

i slowly nodded because i don't know what to say. "he's just so...ugh! you know?" she said

i chuckled but still stayed silent. the last thing i wanna do is make her mad and get her to cry even more.

she moved closer to me and rested her head on my shoulders. "you give such good advice clem." she says.

i took my hand and patted her head. i havent even spoke to her, she's probably drunk.

"we're going to be such good friends."  she says as she hugged me.

i mentally sighed, "yay... friends." i say.

she pulled away from my shoulder and got up and stretched. "welp, i'm going to take a nap."

i got up as well and looked around for joey. "yep, you that." i said as she smiled and walked away.

i made my way through the crowd to go to the kitchen. there, i saw joey talking to jacob. i went up to them and tapped joey on the shoulder.

his face lit up when he saw me. "oh hi!" he hands me the cup, "here's your water."

i took the water and sipped it, "thank you."

i looked at jacobs eyes, they were blood shot red. "what's wrong?" i asked him.

"millie." he whipped his eyes, "you know, we break up and then get back together."

i nodded and it was silent for a good 30 seconds. the kind of silence that you don't wanna be in. "i'm going to go home, i think." jacob said, "i'm gonna call an uber."

i nodded and jacob left, leaving me and joey alone. i looked at him and smiled, "i guess it's just you and me now." i chuckled

he softly smiled, "yup." he looked at me up and down, "you look pretty tonight. i like what you did with your hair."

"thanks" i said, "it took almost an 30 minutes with the half up half down look."

he chuckled, "yeah."

"you wanna go to the couch?" i asked, "so we don't have to standing around these people."

he nodded, "yeah sure."

we went back to the couch and sat down. he put his arm around me.
she's so beautiful

i think he forgot that i could read minds. i wonder what else he's going to say.

i laced my fingers with his as his arm was hanging over my shoulder. i laid my head on his shoulder and smiled at him.

what is this? what am i doing? this is all fake. i'm not catching feelings for him, he's joey birlem.

he smiled back and starred into my eyes. it was just me and him at this point. no music, no people—just us right here.

"has anyone over told you that you have such beautiful eyes? the blue just looks so good on you."  he whispers and i blush. "you're just so, beautiful, clem."

he smashed his lips onto mine, closing the gap between us. it's been a long time since i've kissed someone like this before.

i straddled his lap as he cupped the side of my face, deepening the kiss. how come my mind thing isn't working?

he made his way to my neck with kisses, leaving a hickey.


tea is comming...

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