7 - tyler

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~ tyler ~

"So do you want to watch a movie or something?" I was the first one to say anything after we've been hugging for about a couple of minutes now. I was really enjoying it but I was scared to get too attached to him. I still wasn't sure if he felt the same way about me as I felt about him.

I mean, yeah. He did come up to hug me from the behind, but friends do that too, right?

"Sure." He said with a smile. "What do you want to watch?"

"How about Tangled? I know it's a kids movie and stuff. I don't k-know. Umm, If you don't want to watch it, it's fine. W-we can watch something else." I felt a blush growing on my cheeks as I trailed off.

He doesn't want to watch your faggot movie. Don't be a fucking idiot.

I looked up at him and I expected for him to have a disgusted, confused look on his face but I was pleasantly surprised by the smile on his face.

"I'd love to watch Tangled."

We were laying on my bed, which was just about big enough to fit both of us on it. Our knees were touching but other than that we have a couple of centimeters between us. I put the laptop on both of our thighs, so we could both have a good view of the movie.

We were about 20 minutes into the movie when I slowly inched my way closer to him.

Don't be a stupid fucking idiot. He doesn't want to touch your disgusting body. You are a nasty freak.

But he didn't move away. In fact, he leaned a little closer to me. I softly put my head on his shoulder,

"Is this okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry." I could hear the smile in his voice. I felt the blush grow on my cheeks as I smiled too. I looked up at him and he was already looking at him. As soon as I caught him looking at me, he looked away and back to the movie. His cheeks were glowing red.


I didn't notice, but we must've dozed off at one point. I woke up and I was on top of Josh. My head on his chest and our legs tangled. I lifted my head and our eyes met one more time. This time, he didn't look away.

"Hmm, Watching me sleep, stalker?" I asked with a giggle. A smile spread across his face along with a blush. "You look cute when you blush." His eyes start to explore my face. I lifted my hands and gently put it on his cheek. His eyes darted back at mine. His blush was becoming redder with each second.

"Oh, shut up." He said through his smile. I smiled back.

"You look cute when you smile." Now I was blushing as well.

He's fucking lying. It's not true. You look disgusting. You always have and you always will.

My smile fell a slight bit.

"Come on, Ty. It's true. Don't worry." As soon as he said my nickname, my smile came back bigger than before. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were the perfect shade of brown and sweet. They reminded me of chocolate. I looked around his face. Everything about him, the boy I've known just for a couple of weeks now, was sweet.

"Tyler." My eyes came back to meet his. "You're beautiful." He said is so softly, it sounded like a whisper. It sounded like he was scared of what he was saying. Tears welled up in my eyes. No one's ever called me beautiful ever. I've never felt beautiful. But here I was, laying on top of a sweet boy; that made me blush with each smile; each time we touched my skin burned; the first boy to every call me beautiful. He saw the tears in my eyes and he pulled his hands around my waist.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes in silence, then I felt him move closer to me. I looked up at him and noticed he started to lean in; looking at my lips. I looked at his lips and wondered if they felt as soft as they looked. He continued to lean in until our foreheads touched. He kept glancing from my eyes and to lips. I felt his breath on my cheek. It was warm and smelled of strawberries.

Suddenly, I felt something harden underneath me. I was confused for a second and then realized what it was. I felt Josh's hardening cock on my thigh. I glanced back at his face with a flirty smile. But as soon as my eyes reached his face, I realized that something was off.

"Josh?" His cheeks were extremely red but he wasn't smiling anymore. He looked scared. Before I could ask what was wrong, I felt his grip loosen. Then he got up from the bed and left the room. When I heard the front door slam shut, my tears started to pour down.

I told you he was lying. He doesn't care about you faggot boy.

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