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You and Taehyung watch this. It is more relaxed than the other film.

During the film, you end up falling asleep. Your head drops against Taehyung's shoulder.

He feels this and rips away his eyes from the TV. He can see how peaceful you look.

It makes him smile. He loves how adorable you look.

He moves your head onto his lap and gently caresses your head. He can hear your gentle breathing.

He turns off the TV. Then he just watches you. He studies every inch of your face. Right from your hair to your lips. The very kissable lips that he almost got a taste of.

"Maybe another day I will be lucky enough. Hopefully" he mumbles to himself. "I want to change. For you y/n I just wish you knew how I felt"

He leans down and kisses your head. He can hear you mumble something so he just caresses your hair until you're asleep again.

He lets out a sigh of relief when he hears you asleep again.

'that was way too close. She almost heard my confession' he thinks to himself.

Luckily you were way too out of it that you didn't hear what he said.

You dream about Taehyung. Thoughts you originally had of him are changing now. Maybe he isn't as bad as you thought.

Taehyung is drifting off to sleep when he hears something. He groans in confusion.

"Has our daughter got a boyfriend? What was that noise?" Your mother asks.

Now Taehyung is awake. His eyes open. He looks over the sofa and sees your mother and father.

"Anneyeonghaseo" Taehyung greets in a husky and sleepy voice. "I am Kim Taehyung your daughter's friend"

Your parents let out a sigh of relief. They come over and see Taehyung's shirtless and you're asleep on his lap.

"Ok I get this looks bad" Taehyung says.
"Yeah it really does" your father laughs.
"What happened to your face love?" Your mother asks.

You start waking up now. Your eyes are heavy. The first person you see is Taehyung. You smile at him.

Then you see your parents and that Taehyung's shirtless.

You sit up but groan when it hurts your shoulder and head.

"Are you alright?" Your mother asks.

Taehyung chuckles at how cute you look and how sleepy you are. You see his rectangle smile and end up smiling too.

You snuggle into his chest wanting to fall asleep again.

"Get up you lazy cow" your dad says. "Let the poor lad breath"
"Five more minutes" you mumble.

Taehyung chuckles and strokes your back making you smile.

"Y/n get up" your mother tells you.

Then you come back to your senses. You stop cuddling Taehyung and get out of his arms.

"Sorry" you mumble in a husky voice.
"It's alright. You're cute when you're sleepy"

You look at your mother who looks at you both as if you're getting married or something.

"Have you guys eaten?" She asks.
"No" you say.

She looks at you with a frown.

"You should of offered him something to eat. You're not very good at hospitality" she says.
"Yeah y/n" Taehyung teases pouting.

You poke his cheeks making him laugh.

"You guys are a cute couple" your mother compliments.
"We aren't together yet" you say.
"Yet?" Your father asks.

You start blushing.

"I didn't mean it like that" you say.

Taehyung just bursts out into laughter. He loves seeing you embarrassed. He thinks you're really cute.

"Anyway do you guys want food?" Your father asks.
"Yeah sure" you say. "Taehyung?"
"I don't want to intrude"

You roll your eyes.

"That is his way of saying yes" you giggle.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now