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The day after that you spend with Yoongi. You guys are getting to know each other again.

When finally it's school, he offers to drive you but kindly you decline. You want to walk to school. Alone.

Yoongi drives as he has to still go to school even though he is in his last year.

You don't want people knowing you and him are related as all the girls will hate you or use you to get to him.

You get about half way to school when you feel a hand around your mouth.

You're so frightened. You try to scream but you hear a threatening voice in your ear.

"If you fucking move I will kill you right now" the man hisses.

You can tell it's a guy from the deep voice.

You feel a tear roll down your cheek. Then you're spun round to face them.

You screw up your eyes as you wait to be hurt. Nothing happens.

Slowly you open one eyelid. Once you see the handsome face of Taehyung you let out a breath of relief.

You hug him but then pull away and slap his arm.

"Awee please don't be mad jagi" he begs.
"Don't call me that" you hiss.
"I'm sorry. Were you frightened?"
"No" you lie. "You changed your voice"

You start walking away making him frown.

"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To school. Where else"
"But the front of school is that way"
"I have my ways"

He starts following you.

"Are you coming with then?" You ask raising an eyebrow.

You nod and take his hand. You walk with him though a woodland area. The orange leaves start falling off of the tree.

There are blossom trees that send rays of pink down. Taehyung can't speak.

He sees a few petals fall in your hair making you look even more beautiful.

You turn round to him and see his awe struck face. It makes you smile.

Then he pulls your hand making you come to him. He takes his hand from yours and cups your face. Then he places his lips on yours.

He moves in sync with your mouth. Lips mingling and tounges fighting for dominance. Taehyung won. Obviously.

You can feel his smirk on your lips. It makes you grin.

He bites down on your lower lip.

When finally he pulls away, both of you are panting. Your heads rest against each others.

"Let's go to school" you say.
"Yeah although I am hoping you are going to hide the hickeys on your neck better"

Your eyes go wide.

"I thought the hickeys you gave me would of faded by now" you say.
"No. They will go in a few weeks but two days aren't going to change much. Don't worry babe, I will give you more permanent hickeys another day"

With that he seals the deal with his lips on yours.

You look at him confused.

"What? I thought we were going to school" he asks.
"But the hickeys. Are they obvious?"
"Oh shit I am dead"

He chuckles at you.

"Relax babe"
"What? How can I?"
"Just let people know that I have left my mark on you. Let the boys be jealous. I'm proud to have made a mark on your skin and I know everyone else would want to do the same"

You start blushing at what he says.

"But we aren't together or dating" you say.
"So what? I still want to kiss you and leave my mark on you"

Then you look back at the gate.

"Come on let's get to school" you say.

You push the gate trying to shove it out of the way. Taehyung helps you.

The wires manage to cut into your hands. When you and Taehyung are through the gate and in the school property, he helps you sort out your cuts.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now