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Yoongi stays with you all night. He can't do anything besides rub your back as you throw up.

You're becoming weaker and weaker.

Yoongi rubs your back and tells you soothing things. It helps you but still you're really ill.

"Y-Yoongi....oppa. G-go sleep" you say weakly.
"No way. I'm not leaving you"

You get cut off by throwing up in the toilet again. Yoongi just scoffs before rubbing your back.

"Yeah you're not fine" he says.

It has been hours that you have been throwing up. For the past 30 minutes you haven't.

You decide to stand up. Yoongi frowns at you and tries to get you to stay down.

"Sister stay down you're too weak" he tells you.

You grab onto the sink and make it from there to the doorframe. You crash into it making you yell in pain and grit your teeth.

"It hurts" you cry.

Yoongi frowns in confusion. Then you pull down part of your top by your shoulder revealing the bruises.

Yoongi looks at them with wide eyes. He doesn't believe what he's seeing.

"What happened?" He asks.
"Mark when he shoved me into the lockers"

Yoongi tries to ignore the hickeys. He obviously knows the difference between hickeys and bruises. Part of him is jealous.

He helps you to get from the bathroom into the living room.

He sits you on the sofa and watches you close your eyes and fall asleep from exhaustion.

Then he grabs your phone and looks for Taehyung's contact.

He finds 'my one and only' and presses on it.

After a few rings he hears the line answer. He doesn't even wait for anyone to speak.

"Hey Taehyung, y/n is really sick so can't go to school today. Can you tell sir that me and her won't be coming to school. She is suffering with food poisoning. Thanks"

With that Yoongi hangs up not allowing whoever was on the other end of the line to say anything.

Hannah -who was on the other end of the call- is really confused. He doesn't even know who called her. She decides to tell Taehyung.

"Hey Taehyung" she says.
"Do you know where y/n is?" He asks.
"She is suffering from food poisoning. She is at home a random guy said. He just called and said he wasn't coming in to school"

Taehyung bites his lip wondering what to do.

"I'm going to go to her. Tell sir that Yoongi will be late to school and that me and y/n aren't coming" Taehyung decides.

Then he runs away leaving Hannah alone. She goes and tells the teacher before coming over to BamBam.

She gives him a light peck on the cheek and then starts making out with Mark.


Taehyung forgets about his car. He can't drive knowing that you're not ok.

He sprints all the way to your house. Somehow he has learnt the rout off by heart.

He knocks on the door loads and after a while Yoongi's tired face shows up at the door.

"You got my call?" Yoongi asks.
"Actually you called Hannah"
"Y/n's friend"

Taehyung opens the door for himself. Then he goes inside and into the living room.

He sees you asleep on the sofa. He sees your eyes screwed shut tightly and the sweat beads on your forehead.

His heart sinks a little. He knew you would be bad but he wasn't expecting you to be THIS bad!

He turns to Yoongi and tells him to leave him with you. After a long discussion and Yoongi hesitating, he leaves you in the capable hands of Taehyung.

Taehyung walks over to you and puts a wet flannel on your head. Your eyes squint open to see him but soon after you fall asleep.

Tae Tae In Love 😘Where stories live. Discover now