The Birthday Boy!

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I guess most of you have seen the episode of 2x01 of AOS and feel really sad, I know I do. So I thought I would make this chapter really HAPPY for you guys to cheer up!

Fitz woke up


Simmons was standing in front of Fitz

Fitz got a shock

Fitz: Jemma you scared me

Simmons: Whoops sorry Fitz

Fitz laughed

Fitz: That’s ok Jemma, is there something wrong?

Simmons: You know what day it is TODAY!

Fitz: Yeah it’s my birthday

Simmons gave Fitz a hug

Simmons: Let’s catch up with the rest of the team!

Fitz: Sure

Fitz yawned and rubbed his eyes

Fitz got dressed

Fitz and Simmons walked into the room

Fitz: Why is the room so dark?

Simmons: I have no idea, how about you turn on the light?

Fitz turned the light on to see all the decorations

The team jumped of their hiding places


Fitz: Guys you didn’t have to do this!

Fitz said smiling

Simmons: Of course we did!

Fitz: Thanks everyone I am so touched

Fitz eyes started watering

Triplett: Bro don’t cry

Triplett patted Fitz on the back and Fitz rubbed his eyes

Triplett: Here is a present for you

Fitz: You didn’t have to get me anything

Triplett handed Fitz the parcel

Fitz: Thanks Trip

Fitz opened his present

Fitz eyes widened

Fitz: WOW thanks Trip I really wanted this, I am so excited to watch this!

Fitz and Triplett fist pounded

Skye: ME NEXT!

Skye handed Fitz the envelope

Fitz: Thanks Skye!

Fitz opened the envelope with the 2 tickets for the zoo inside

Fitz: This is awesome, this is going to be so fun!

Skye: Yep and you can take Simmons with you

Fitz: Sure, do you want to come with me Simmons?
Simmons: Yes I would love to

Skye: How about Ward gives his present now

Skye said sarcastically and started laughing hysterically

Ward: Hey it’s a good present!

Ward walked up to Fitz and handed him the dried macaroni box

Everyone started laughing including Fitz

Fitz: Thanks Ward actually this will be really handy to me to put things in

Ward: See Skye he loves it

Fitz: I feel truly honoured to have something made from Wards childhood

There was a knock on the door

Simmons: Oh that must be the monk.. I mean Coulson and May

Fitz: The monk…

Fitz said confused

Simmons went to the door to open it

It was May and Coulson holding a small money in a cage

Coulson: You have no idea how we got a hold of this monkey

May: Yeah we didn’t get to shop for our present for him, so is it ok if we share this present for Fitz?

Simmons: Sure, thanks you two I really appreciate it

Simmons: Fitz come here I have a surprise for you!

Fitz: Coming

Fitz went to the door and saw the monkey


Simmons: I thought you might like it

Simmons said smiling

Fitz: This monkey is MINE?

Coulson: Yep it is all yours

May: Make sure you don’t make it run around the whole bus making a mess

Fitz: Ok you don’t have to worry

Fitz had a big grin on his face

Fitz took the monkey out of its cage and started holding it

Simmons: It is so cute and small!

Fitz started crying

Fitz: Thank you!

Simmons: Awww Fitz

Simmons eyes started watering

Coulson: By the way Fitz, May and I didn’t have any time to get presents for you so we are sharing Simmons present

Fitz: That’s ok you all didn’t have to get me anything at all

Everyone started playing with the monkey and patting it

Skye started taking selfies with the monkey

Ward: How embarrassing Skye

Skye: No it isn’t! Anyway how about we all take a group photo?

Triplett: Great idea

Triplett grabbed his camera and set the timer


Everyone: CHEESE!

The camera took the photo

Fitz: This is the best birthday, thankyou everyone!

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