-Chapter 13-

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But i looked at Taehyung at saw him angry...

I walked to Taehyung to tell him what's wrong.

But he walked to my room and i followed him behind.

I closed the door.

"What's wrong Taehyun-" Taehyung cut off me.

"What are your relationships between J-Hope and You?" Taehyung said in angry tone.

"We were just friends Taehyung, what is the mat-" Again cut off by Taehyung.

"You know what's the matter?!" I fliched and shocked of his sudden voice and break down my favorite vase that my grandmother gave me.

"What do you mean 'You know what's the matt-" i said in a confused tone but again i was cut off by Taehyung.

"You were cheating on me?!" Taehyung said shouting at me.

I flinched and i looked at him slowly in his face and blinked many times.

"W-what? N-no i-i am n-not...." i said and i grabbed his hands but he pulled me away and i fell on the ground winced in pain, because the shards of the vase were on my skin

My eyes were beaming with tears continuously, blurrying my sight and i tried to get up but it was no use.

"You were cheating on me Y/N?! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Taehyung said and shouted at me again and i cried harder and speak.

"I-i a-am n-not T-teahyung-ah..... w-who t-told y-you t-this..." i said while saying it between the sobs.

"Ara send me a pictures of you and J-Hope together?!" Taehyung shouted again.


"N-no T-taehyung-ah i-it i-isnt t-true...." i said and cried harder trying to explain but then jungkook opened the door at his eyes widen.

"What happend?!" Jungkook said and walked towards me lifting me up.

I cried harder and Namjoon and the others held Taehyung.

Author's POV

"WE ARE DONE Y/N?!" Taehyung ranged.

"Taehyung-ah.... calm down!" Namjoon said to make him calm down.

"They are not true Taehyung-ah, Ara is always lying!" Jimin said making Taehyung ranged with anger.

Taehyung looked at Y/N with anger while Jungkook and Jimin holding her so she wouldn't fall on the ground.

"J-jungk-kook-ah... plea-" you whispered but you fainted because on crying hard.

"Y/N... Y/N?!" Jungkook said looked at her body was bleeding.

"Jin?! Y/N is bleeding help her?!" Jimin said and looked at your pale body.

Jungkook carried you in a bridal style and go to the hospital with Jin, Her mother, father, Jimin and J-Hope.

Taehyung's POV

I was so mad at Y/N.

I was at the living room with Suga and Namjoon.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TAEHYUNG?!" Namjoon said angry at me.

"She CHEATED on me?!" I said angry at her.

"And you believed that shitty first girlfriend of yours?!" Suga was angry also.

"Well?! She was my first girlfriend and i treat her as a friend?!" I said.

"Wow?! So you wouldn't care about your 'Real Girlfriend' getting hurt?! You believed more in your 1st girlfriend?! Huh Taehyung?! Why?!" Suga said confused and controlling his anger at him.

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