Chapter 5: A boy😔

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"I listen to her, cause I know how it hurts."

After the awards, t'challa hosted an after party so we went. Right now we were eating as isla sneezed again, I cover her mouth with a napkin. "You alright baby?" I asked she nodded then sneezed again, put my hand on her head to feel she's a little hot ""you have a fever or something? You're a little hot," I said as erik looks up "are you tired isla?" He asked "no, I'm sneezing a lot," she says "she's probably sick," he said I nodded, Erik was feeding amara as I eat some of my food.

Soon Hennessy came over and I smiled and got up, I hugged her "hey hen," I said "hey adi, Congratulations on the award," she smiles "thank you," I said "hey y'all," she greets them "wassup Hennessy," Erik greets back "hewo" amara said "hello" Isla says I sit back down as I look around "a lot of people here at the after party," I said "yea, I'm gonna find sasha," Hennessy says leaving "Alright," I said as erik looks at me "I don't t like her," I chuckled at erik "why you don't like her erik?" I asked "she's a whore," I glare at him "for real, she would look at me when you not looking and it's making me feel some type of way," he said I shook my head "you just illusinsting," I said "I ain't illusinating adi, I'm being for real," he says "aight, just ignore her," I said.

"Come on baby let's meet some people," I said he got up as he helps amara out the seat and isla gets her seat. I grab her hand and we walk around. We meet a few celebrities, like nicki Minaj and Bruno, also cardi b,I love her and soon we meet Beyoncé and Jay-Z along with blue ivy. "Hello Adiyah," Beyoncé  comes up and we hug, Erik bro hugs Jay-Z, "hello Beyoncé, loved your performance," I said "thank you, say hi blue," as little girl was behind her she smiled and waved "hi blue, you're so pretty," she came up and I squat down and hugged her "thank you," I smiled "these are my two daughters isla and amara," I introduced them, amara waves and Isla smiles "hi," amara says "hi amara," blue says " hi isla," "hello blue," I smile as they play and talk, "I seen y'all documentary and I loved it, it shows me how strong y'all are both together," she says "thank you, I love your music, I've been listening ever since I was a child,"she smiled "thank you, so how long have y'all been married?" She asked "4 years," she nods "nice,  how does it feel to be a princess?" "It's nice," I said she nods as erik and Jay was chatting erik, "hello Adiyah, how are you?" Jay asks "I'm good, it's nice to meet you," "nice to meet you too, yo boi ova here bragging about how he's the best at 2k which he no he ain't," I laughed "you challenging me aight bet let's see that," Erik said I shook my head "Aight bet let's see that tomorrow," Jay said and Beyoncé laughs "meet at my house at 2 We'll see about that," Erik said "oh my god you two, y'all just met and y'all already challenging each other," Beyoncé agreed.

As the night went on me and Beyoncé got well acquainted and talked a lot. We exchanged numbers so that we can hangout and also the kids can have play dates. "It was nice meeting you adiyah, see you tomorrow," she says "alright, bye Beyoncé," I waved as she and jay left. Me and the girls go back to the table as Isit down with amara in my lap, isla sits next to me and she lays her head on my arm, I rub her face. "Momm, where baba?" Amara asked "I don't know sweetly," I said, as I see derek, I soon get nervous and scared because he's here and I have my kids here and erik is not around.

He sees me and my heart drops as I look at my kids, "what wrong momma?" Isla asked "nothing babygirl," I said as he was walking over, I wanted to move but I couldn't I was to scared like I was glued to the seat. My heart races as he's finally in front of me. "Hey Adiyah," He says "go away," I said as I rub Amara's back "why, you don't want to see me?" He asked "get the hell away from me," I said as amara started whining getting scared I bounce her on my lap as I calm her "who are these two?" He points to them "my kids now leave," I said "hello you two, y'all look beautiful tonight," Isla looks at him with a scared look "mommy, I'm scared," she says I look at her "it's alright princess," I said "no need to be scared sweetie I don't bite, Adiyah can we talk please," he pleaded I shook my head, "no derek, leave please you're scaring my kids," I get up as I put amara down isla hugs my legs tight.

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