Chapter 8: The tour/vacation

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~next week~
Right now we were getting things situated with this derek problem and right now they have him on house arrest. We did court for the charges erik did and for what he did to me, so now he's on house arrest and can't leave the house at all. So me and erik are good.. for now. But right now I'm getting a call from my boss, I picked up "hello," I said as I hold amara who is making crying "Hey Adiyah, I called to let you know that the fashion show will be canceled until further notice," I looked confused "why is that?" I asked "because we are putting some details into it and won't have time to finish it before that day," she explained.

I nodded "Alright, thanks for telling me, oh and is it alright in two months can I take a vacation break?" I asked "of course, you deserve it," I smiled "thank you, amara calm down," I said as she cried, "looks like you have a baby issue," I huff "yep shes crying because erik had to leave to help with t'challa," I said "Alright, have a good day," "Alright bye," I hanged and put my phone down. And I bounce her up and down trying to calm her "I want baba," she cried "I know baby, baba will be back soon he had to help t'challa," I said as I go in the main room and turn the tv on "Isla! Come watch your sister please," I yelled, she slowly calms down as cries turn into sniffles, "shh, it's ok mama," I whispered as isla runs down "can you watch tv with her real quick for me?" I asked "okay mommy," she said as I place amara on the couch and isla sits next to her and cuddle, amara lays on isla's lap.

I go in the kitchen and get my phone as I text erik.

Me: hey baby, how long you got because your youngest daughter is crying over you again😂
Hubby🥰: I'll be there in a few, told you she's a daddy's girl😝


Hubby🥰: watch who you talking to girl🤨


He FaceTimes me, I chuckled to myself, I declined and soon he popped up again, declined, and again, declined, I laughed as I bit my lip, I know how to get his ass mad, decline his calls or hang up in his face. He calls again and this time I pick up. "Ay don't fucking decline my damn calls," he said and I laughed "why?" I asked "don't try me, watch my ass do gta and be at that house in a few seconds," he threatened as it looks like he was in the car. "Really nigga, yo ass ain't gonna do shit," I said he looked at me with a serious look "try me if you want too," he said I smirked "guess what E," I said and he looked back at the road "what adi?" I hanged up, I laughed as I know my ass is gonna get it, and plus I was kind of horny anyways.🤷🏾‍♀️

He called again and I picked up "Don't fucking try me Adiyah, I will literally do gta and be at that house in a damn second," he yelled he was pissed not even mad he was pissed, my pussy throbs in excitement as I look at him smile "love you," I said "keep playing with me Adiyah, yo ass ain't gonna walk for a month," he threatened "now you pissing me off,"he said and I giggled "damn stop being in yo feelings," I said "I ain't in my feelings you pissing me off, hang up on me one more time and I swe-," I hanged up as I put my phone on airplane mode and I rush to the main room and I pick amara "Alright,let's go to your room and I need y'all to stay in there okay," I said she nodded as I go upstairs and put amara in bed and isla lays in her bed and I close the door.

I rush to my room as I take off my clothes and putting this on.

I rush to my room as I take off my clothes and putting this on

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