Chapter One

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Katniss POV

I slip on the blue dress my mother is loaning me and try not to show my emotions. Today will be my wedding day. The only problem is I do not know who the groom will be. Also I am supposed to have his child in a years time. I squeeze my mothers cold hand and squeeze my eyes shut. I had never really wanted to be married and I certainly didn't want to have children. When they announced the new population program last week I panicked. I sprinted outside and Gale found me curled up under a Willow tree, sobbing uncontrollably.

Gale and I are on a special team of hunters that goes up out of 13 to get fresh game. We've been best friends since we were kids. We were both starving and terrified, our fathers just killed. We learned to hunt to keep us and our families alive. He is the only real friend I've ever had besides maybe Madge. But she was killed in the bombings.

My mom starts braiding my hair up, breaking me out of my trance. Prim comes over and hugs me. She whispers "It'll be okay Kat. Who knows maybe you'll be matched with Gale!" Gale kissed me the other night and Prim saw. Ever since she has been pelting me with questions about our "love". I really don't like Gale like that though. He has always been more of a big brother to me. I still think it would be better to be matched with him instead of a complete stranger though. My mom pins the last part of my braided up-do and hugs me. She whispers in my ear "Katniss you will be fine. You are a brilliant and beautiful girl. What ever boy gets paired with you will be incredibly lucky. If you ever need anything me and Prim are here." I just nod and try not to burst into tears, scolding myself for being so weak and emotional.

A voice booms over the loud speakers "The reaping of 18 through 25 year olds to be married is commencing in ten minutes. All subjects 18 through 25 need to be in the auditorium in five. No family members please." We walk silently and soon we reach the doors to the auditorium. Mom and Prim hug me and then I go in alone. I instantly spot Gale. He makes eye contact with me and I walk over to him. He hugs me and I bury my face in his muscular chest. I mutter "It's not fair." Gale runs his hands over my back and says "I know Catnip. If you have any trouble with your husband just tell me and I will personally knock his teeth out." I slightly smile and say "Thanks." It is time to start then so I go into my section, female-18. I sit down next to Delly, who is the closest thing I have to a friend besides Gale now. She grins at me and says "You look nervous." I just nod and then play with my fingers.

Effie Trinket struts onto the stage. Even now that they make her dress normal here in 13, she still acts and talks fancy. She taps on the microphone and giddily says "Good morning you young people! I am so happy to be able to help Alma Coin in her new Population plan! Now, to begin, May the odds be ever in your favor!" She starts calling out names then. Each time the girl and boy go up to the stage and then are ushered off to be married. I hear Gale's name being called and see his new wife. And then suddenly Effie's squeaky voice is saying my name. "Katniss Everdeen." I take a deep breath and then shakily stand and walk up to the stage as Effie draws out the name of my husband.

Peeta POV

Katniss is on my mind as I pull on the only pair of nice pants I have. The reaping to be married is today. I think the whole idea is absolutely hideous and repulsive. Marriage and children should be about love.

I am alone as I get ready. I have been alone since we got here. My family was all killed. Thinking of them sends pain through my heart, so I stop. Even though I still think it is so wrong what they are doing it will be nice to not be alone.

I remember the night the bombs hit. I was working at the bakery while my family went to the market. Suddenly I heard loud noises and screams. I ran outside and what I saw terrified me. It looked like Hell on earth, and it basically was. I saw a group of people running to the woods so I followed. Once we were a safe distance into the woods we stopped. Everyone collapsed from fatigue and shock. That's when the thought struck me of my family. I looked for them frantically but did not find them. The reality washed over me like a tidal wave. I was alone. Then Katniss's beautiful face appeared in my mind. That's when I almost panicked. I shot up from where I had collapsed on the forest floor. I scanned the faces in the crowd and I saw her sitting with her mom and sister. Her stormy eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. We had never talked but I loved her.

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