Chapter 3

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Peeta POV

Katniss is so adorable as she sleeps. She looks so innocent and peaceful. I cannot believe that I am holding the girl I have loved since I was eleven in my arms. She looks so content. She snuggles her face into my chest and I can't hold back a smile.

During the next couple of weeks we get to know each other better. Katniss opens up more and more. She starts laughing and talking and just being herself around me. It is Saturday today and when the schedule is printed on my arm it reads "Free day." Katniss rolls over in bed, woken by the schedule printing on her arm. She blinks her eyes open and squints as she reads it. She smiles and says "I have a free day." I grin and say "Me too. What would you like too do?"

She jumps out of bed and pulls me up. She excitedly says "We can have a picnic out in the meadow!" I instantly perk up, so happy to be able to get out in the fresh air. We dress quickly and warmly. It is November and kind of chilly. Katniss is so beautiful with her hair braided under her wool hat. We both have thick sweaters on. Katniss takes my hand as she practically runs down to the tubes that lead to the surface. I carry our basket and blanket as I follow her.

We eventually get to a large meadow. It is beautiful. We sit down on the blanket and lean against a large tree. Katniss tells me about how she hunts out here everyday. I just watch her face as she describes it all. She is so incredibly gorgeous. We eventually eat lunch. We stay out until the sun starts to set. I randomly ask Katniss, "What's your favorite color?" She instantly answers "Green, what's yours?"

I smile and tell her "Orange, like the sunset." She grins and says "It's beautiful." I nod and say "No where near as beautiful as you." She blushes a deep pink and smiles at the ground. We stand up then, getting ready to head home. As I stand there staring into her stormy eyes I suddenly ask "Can I kiss you?" She looks surprised but nods.

Katniss POV

"Can I kiss you?" As soon as Peeta asks butterflies attack my stomach. I nod and he steps closer to me. He gently places a hand on my cheek and then he starts leaning in. Just as his lips meet mine I close my eyes. Once his soft lips touch mine sparks shoot through me. He quickly pulls back, but when I smile he leans back in. We kiss for almost a minute this time, our lips moving together perfectly. A hunger stirs deep in my stomach. I want more kisses. We break apart again and I say "Wow." Peeta grins and whispers "You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that."

We start walking back then. Peeta wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close. A calmness settles over me. I love just hanging out with Peeta. As we walk back to our compartment we run into Finnick and Annie. Finnick smirks and says "You guys look incredibly happy." I blush and say "We had a nice day." Peeta just nods and tells them "I am very happy." We talk a little and then we part ways again.

We go to our compartment and once we are through the door I can't help but to kiss Peeta again. I am starting to fall for him. I suppose it was inevitable. He is so perfect. When my lips find his and I curl my fingers into his hair and he immediately pulls me closer to him. When we break away I know that my lips will be swollen. Peeta's arms are still holding me close and I savor the feeling of warmth and security.

He leans down and gives my nose a soft and gentle kiss. I blush and smile. He grins back at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling. I break our silence and say "I had a great time today." Peeta nods thoughtfully and says "I think it may have been the best day of my entire life." This totally melts my heart.

Peeta POV

Today, just being with Katniss, it was the most amazing day of my entire life. I am falling even more deeply in love with her. The sensation of her lips on mine was incredible. Hers were soft and sweet. And it wasn't just kissing her, she kissed me back, which is more than I ever would have dared ask for.

I am thinking about all of this when she walks out to where I am laying on the couch. Her face is tear stained and her eyes are red. I instantly stand up and wrap my arms around her. I whisper in her ear "Darling, did you have a nightmare?" She nods and I say "Why didn't you just call for me? I'm always here for you."

She shakes her head and starts to quietly explain "It wasn't the same. It has always been my dad before. I see the mine exploding over and over, he always dies. I am always screaming for him to run. But this one was different. It was you. You were killed in the bombings back in twelve. It was horrible Peeta." Her hot tears fall on me as I rub her back and pull her close to me.

I say "Katniss I'm so sorry. I promise that I'm here and I'm fine." She lightly kisses me and says "Can I sleep out here with you?" I smile and say "Why, of course!" We cuddle together on the not very wide couch. We are so close and it feels insanely good. Katniss eventually falls asleep but I stay awake, holding her in my arms.

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