Chapter 5

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This is PG 13 guys so yeah. Just so you know! I'll try to post again soon, I'm kind of really busy, and stressed, and I think I'm accidentally falling in love with this really incredible guy. Okay I'll be done now 😊

Peeta POV
Another month passes quickly. Katniss and I have gotten closer and more intimate. It has been so amazing to be with her. I keep thinking that this has to be a dream.

Just like last month the doctors ring our doorbell just after we have finished supper. They come in and take Katniss to the bedroom. When they come out Katniss looks sad and the doctors upset. We all sit at the table and Dr. A starts talking. "Mr. and Mrs. Mellark, you have made no effort to conceive a child. This is not tolerable. If you have not at least had sex by next month we will have to take action. You will either be separated and then married to a different spouse, or enlisted in the rebel army. Do you two understand?" I nod and gently take Katniss's hand in mine. The doctors leave soon after and Katniss sighs. I say "We should talk." She nods and we go sit down on the couch together. Katniss clears her throat after a moment and says "What do we do?" I sigh and say "Katniss, do you want to stay with me? If you would rather be with someone else or join the forces I am okay with it." It would kill me to have to leave her, but I want her to be happy.

Katniss POV
Peeta is too perfect. He always puts me before himself. My breath catches as I realize deep in my heart that I am in love with him. I tell him "Peeta, I want to stay with you. What about you? What do you want?"

He looks down at our intertwined fingers as he quietly asks "Do you know when I first saw you?" Confused I say "Um, probably sometime in school. Peeta, why-" He continues "It was the very first day of school Katniss. Your hair was in two braids instead of one. You were wearing a red plaid dress. My dad pointed you out to me. He said that he was in love with you mother but she married a coal miner. I asked why she would want a coal miner when she could have him. And he said 'Because when he sings, even the birds stop to listen.' And then later that day, in the music assembly when the teacher asked who knew the valley song your hand shot straight up. You stood up and when you sang I swear every bird outside fell silent. And that's when I knew, just like your mother, I was a goner." As I take in all of this I whisper "Oh, Peeta" .

He lightly smiles and says "And then, when we were eleven. When I threw you the bread, that's when I first knew that I loved you. You were so strong, even then, and you gave me the hope to cling to that I so desperately needed. I watched you walk home everyday. I always wanted to talk to you but I couldn't. I was so intimidated. You were so amazing. You are so beautiful. And so many of the boys had crushes on you. But I loved you. Katniss I loved you then I love you even more now. I want to stay with you. Always."

By this point tears are falling down my face. I whisper "Peeta I- I love you too." The smile that lights up his face is blinding. I tenderly kiss him, pouring all of my love into the kiss. It heats up quickly and I pull back. I lean my forehead against his, totally at peace with him. I break our comfortable silence by saying "When do you want to um... H-have sex?" His breath is hot on my face as he answers "How about a couple weeks from now? And Katniss, if you decide between now and then that you would rather not, please tell me. I just want you to be happy." I smile and say "Peeta, I am happy with you. So happy."

I lean against his chest and he grins. He kisses the top of my head and says "You are so beautiful." I blush and say "I am not." Peeta shakes his head and whispers "My dear, you have no idea the effect you have. You are beautiful, inside and out. You don't easily trust but once you do you are the most reliable and best friend a person could have. You are stubborn but also so sweet. Your lips are the perfect shade of pink. Your eyes are so amazing and stormy. Your eyelashes are long and tickle when they brush against me when we're kissing. God, I love every little thing about you Katniss." I cannot believe that I ever got this lucky.

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