Chapter Two

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Katniss POV
When I wake up I instantly realize that the bed is cold and Peeta must have left. He has been so nice. I'm so lucky I was matched with him.

I roll over in bed and then get up. I put on my grey overalls and black coat, my uniform for hunting. I grab my grey stalking hat and slip it on after I braid my hair. I lace up my boots and am ready to leave. A piece of paper on the counter catches my eye. I walk over to it and pick it up. It reads,

"Good morning Katniss. I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch? I'll be in cafeteria B.
Have a good day! ~Peeta"

I can't help the grin that spreads over my face. He is so sweet. I slip the note in my pocket and then slip on my leather gloves before walking out. I go to the tubes that lead to the surface and head up. Once I get to the surface I get my bow and arrow and then find Gale. He is grinning as he gathers a bundle of snares.

He looks up and sees me. "Hey Catnip! Who ended up being the lucky guy that is now your husband?" I reply "Peeta, uh, Peeta Mellark." Gale asks "The bakers son from back in twelve?" I nod and Gale pats me on the back. He says "He'll be good to you. If he's not just tell me." I grin and say "A bit protective aren't we? Don't worry Peeta has been nothing but kind and caring and sweet. Now what about you? Who's the new Mrs. Hawthorne?" Gale grins and says "Johanna Mason. She is something else. I do like her a lot though. I'm falling for her already." I smile and say "Good. I'm going to go off now but I'll see you tomorrow." He nods and hugs me and then I walk off into the woods.

My hunting time passes quickly. I walk back with three rabbits and a wild turkey in my bag. I take them to the kitchen and then head to the cafeteria to find Peeta. I get my bowl of soup and thick slice of bread and then look around. I spot his blonde hair and walk over to where he's sitting. As I sit down beside him a huge smile lights up his face. He says "Glad you could join us Katniss!"

I smile and then look at his friends. They look about 25 and very in love. The man grins and says "So you're the famous Mrs. Everdeen! Well, Mellark now." I nod and the woman says "I'm Annie and this is my husband Finnick. We just got married a week ago!" I smile at them as I eat my soup. We talk and Peeta hesitantly takes my cold hand in his warm one. Finnick and Annie grin at each other and then tell us that they'll see us later.

As they walk away Peeta says "I'm glad you came." I smile and say "Me too. Finnick and Annie seem very nice." Peeta nods and says "They are. When we first got here and I was all alone and basically terrified they took me under their wing and really helped me." After a while we get up and take our dishes to the kitchen. We start walking back to our apartment and I think of my mom and Prim. I stop Peeta and say "If you don't mind I'm going to go visit my mom and Prim really quick." He smiles and says "That's fine. I'll see you later."

He hugs me and then we go our separate ways. Being in his arms feels so much different than when I was in Gale's. In Peeta's my stomach gets butterflies and I feel sparks. I know that I should not be attracted to him because we were forced together but I can't help it. Before I know it I'm at the door to my old compartment. I knock and I hear Prim running to the door.

She flings it open and I say "Hey Little Duck!" She grins and squeals "Katniss!" She pulls me inside and says "Mom Katniss is here!" My mom rushes out and smiles at me. Prim hugs me and says "Tell us everything Katniss!" We sit down at the table and I say "Where do I even begin." My mom chuckles and says "You could always tell us his name!"

I try to keep my lips from curling into a smile as I say "Peeta Mellark." Prim's eyes get huge and then she says "Oh my gosh Katniss! That's amazing!" I laugh as my mother smiles at me. Prim is so excited and she starts spouting off questions "Have you kissed him get? Is he funny? Is he a good cuddler? Will he make me cookies? Oh, when am I going to be an aunt?!?"

At her last question I choke on the drink of tea I just took. My mom shoots Prim a disapproving look and says "They were just married yesterday Primrose!" I am blushing and looking down at my hands as Prim says "I'm sorry I just got excited." I smile and say "It's fine." My mom says "Tell us some more about him."

"He is handsome. He has amazing ocean blue eyes and shiny blonde hair. He has been very sweet and nice and kind. I'm glad I was matched with him."

Prim giggles and says "I think you will be a perfect couple." After we talk a little while longer I leave. I walk fast going back to our apartment, anxious to see Peeta. Once I step through the door it smells amazing. Peeta turns from where he is stirring something on the stove and says "Hi Katniss." I smile and say "Hey." I take off my boots, hat, and gloves. I go into our bedroom to change out of my bulky clothes and put on some comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt.

When I walk into the kitchen Peeta is putting bowls onto the table. He grins at me and says "I made a lamb stew with dried plums over a bed of rice." I smile and say "It smells wonderful! Thank you so much!" We sit and Peeta watches me anxiously as I taste it. It is probably the most delicious thing I've ever eaten.

My eyes get wide and I blurt out "This is amazing!" Peeta looks insanely happy as he takes my hand in his and says "I'm glad you like it." We eat quickly and then go sit down on the couch. We turn on the news but neither of us are really watching. Peeta asks "How was your visit with your family?" I grin and reply "It was great. Prim is ecstatic that I got matched with you." Peeta smiles and says "I always snuck her a cookie when you and her came to the bakery."

I go on about my visit and my family, and though Peeta smiles I can see a sadness in his kind eyes. I eventually ask "Are you going to visit your family?" He looks down at the floor and quietly says "They- they're gone. They didn't make it out of the bombings in twelve." The news hits me like a ton of bricks. I wrap my arms around him and am practically in his lap.

I whisper in his ear "Peeta I am so, so sorry." A single tear falls from his eyes as he says "You didn't know Katniss." I lightly caress his cheek and say "I promise, you aren't alone anymore." He smiles and then hugs me. We eventually break apart and just talk for awhile. We go to bed, him out on the couch. I have a nightmare again and wake to Peeta's comforting arms and words. He holds me for the rest of the night.

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