Should've Known.

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Pidge should've known she was an omega, she really should've.

She'd never really presented, never had the typical signs of being an omega or an alpha so they all just assumed she was beta.

Except they also knew she never showed the typical signs of presenting as a beta.

It was only now when Pidge was running down the hall of a Galra ship to her lion that she realized she just was five years late with presenting.

Presenting late wasn't uncommon, things could push back your presenting.

Things like stress or changes in your environment.

You know, like your family going missing, suddenly being carted off to space to fight an intergalactic war and almost dying daily.

That would probably push back your presenting by a while.

Still, there were signs that she had started to present.

She'd cleaned her room and started to steal clothes from the others.

Scents had become almost overpowering to her and while she thought she was just getting sick, Pidge realized that the fever was actually her first heat.

Her core throbbed as she finally reached her lion, stumbling into the machine while her teammates yelled at her over the comms.

As soon as Green took off Pidge tore off her helmet and threw it to the other side of the lion as she crumbled to the ground.

Her breathing was heavy and every part of her ached.

Pidge began to pull of her armor, she felt like her entire body was on fire with it on.

"Shit.." she choked out, she needed to get Lance.

Pidge needed to make sure Lance was the one that found her, he was the only other omega on board the castle.

The small girl groaned as she forced herself to crawl over to her helmet and put it back on.

Her teammates were still yelling.

"Pidge! Come in!" Shiro snapped, "are you alright?!"

Keith was asking about a thousand questions, trying to make she was still there.

Hunk was freaking out, assuming that she was dead and Lance was just trying to make a few jokes to calm the others down.

"Shut up!" Pidge snapped, her temper shorter than usual.
"I.. I'm fine.. Lance, I need you to come to my lion when we get back to the castle."

That sparked a whole new round of questions and concerns, this time louder than before.

"What's going on?! Are you hurt?! Do you need a pod?!" Keith asked, questions rambling off about a mile a minute and demanding that she respond after only a moment of asking them.

"I'm not hurt! I'm fine! I just need Lance!" Pidge shouted, a growl rumbling in her throat.

Oh boy. She was an aggressive omega.

"I'll be there as soon as we land." Lance said, making her sigh in relief.

Once she got confirmation she threw off her helmet once again.

She didn't need to listen to the others, not when she could barely keep her eyes open and the world seemed to be spinning.

Pidge didn't realize she'd passed out until Lance was shaking her awake.

"Pidge! Pidge wake up!" He shouted, snapping at the others to stay out of the lion whenever they tried to insist on coming in.

"Lance.." she choked out, tears rolling down her face as the intensity of the pain in her stomach.

Hopeless and in HeatWhere stories live. Discover now