Taking Care

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Pidge's breathing was heavy as she laid on the floor of Red, the metal cool against her skin.

Keith had put her in the actual seat of Red, but Pidge had quickly squirmed out of it to lay on the cold floor and cool herself off. She wanted to leave and find Keith but he'd told her to stay, so she would.

She groaned, rolling onto her stomach so her forehead and cheek could be pressed against the metal. Her mind was racing, trying to comprehend everything that had happened.

Keith had left to get some energy out, she'd been lucid enough to answer the door and been taken by Shiro and Lance, Keith had went borderline feral to retrieve her and had told her that she was... his... omega.

Pidge could've sworn that her heart stopped every time she thought that over again.

Keith wanted her to be his omega, just like she wanted him to be her alpha.

She groaned as her head spun, the scent of slick starting up yet again and Pidge could already feel her boxers and shorts getting ruined. They'd need to be added to the pile of clothes she needed to get rid of after her heat was over.

The cramps and the aches were the worst though, deep and quick. Striking into her gut and twisting till she curled up tighter on herself.

It didn't help the burning either, which only made the flashes of pain feel like a hot knife was carving into her and attempting to rip her organs out.

Red purred gently for her, trying to calm the small paladin down and assure her that his paladin would be returning for her soon. That all she needed to do was relax and wait.

That however, didn't stop the aches and cramps in her core from the arousal she was feeling or the slick now soaking through her shorts and onto the floor.

"Red," Pidge whined, breathing a bit heavy.
"Can you- can you power down or something for a bit- please? I really need to do something and I don't want to make you uncomfortable,"

She groaned as another cramp hit her, tears beginning to run down her face.
"I'll clean up after I promise, please, I really need to handle this-"

Red softly assured her that he'd go into a light sleep, giving her enough privacy to do what she needed to do and that he'd only wake up if she reactivated him, and that the shield would stay up until Keith returned.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Pidge whispered over and over again like a mantra, a sob racking her body as she felt Reds consciousness fade away.

She was quickly to tug off her clothes, relishing in the cold air hitting her skin and lowering her temperature some. Pidge groaned in relief, raising up her hips and onto her knees as she pressed her forehead against the floor.

"Breathe," she whispered to herself, shakily moving a hand down between her legs and grimacing as the slick dripping down her thighs and onto the metal floor.

Another cramp hit her like a train, causing Pidge to choke on her own breath and whine loudly to herself. Normally she would've actually spent time stretching herself out or toying with her clit but she was in too much pain to focus on that.

Instead she just slid two fingers into her cunt, groaning in relief as she quickly began to finger fuck herself.

She just needed one damn orgasm, just one so that she could stop feeling so many fucking cramps and soothe the aching. Pidge pulled off her shirt while she was at it, overheating from the small bit of fabric on her.

Pidge whined loudly, high pitched as she curled her fingers just right and felt a nice jolt of pleasure all the way up her spine.

Her mind was wandering, thinking about all of the ways Keith could be helping her. It would be wonderful too, having him there and taking care of her with and without his dick in her.

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