Didn't Mean To

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Hunk couldn't move fast enough, Keith lunging with fangs bared and claws out to get him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Hunk insisted, backing away from Keith and scrambling for the exit as the aggressive alpha snarled and recoiled at the scent of all the others in Pidge's room.

He needed to find a new place for her to ride out her heat now, he'd gotten her misty coherent with a few orgasms in a row and had left to get out some of his own energy through a spar or two with the training bots and then get something else to entertain them while Pidge took another nap.

Obviously he hadn't expected her to answer the damn door or be awake, otherwise he would've stayed to warn the others it wasn't over.

But that didn't matter then, it was too late and Keith didn't care anymore. He just needed to find her and get her somewhere safe with new nesting materials. The nest had been ruined at that point. Useless now that Hunk had touched it.

Keith glared at the other alpha, anger spiking up again and his scent reflecting that as Hunk tried to make himself seem smaller as he stood in the doorway.

"Where is she?" Keith growled, barely coherent enough to ask. He didn't want to ask, he wanted to run and find her and rip out the throat of whoever took her with his goddamn teeth.

"I-I don't know.." Hunk squeaked, backing away some more, trying desperately to put distance between him and Keith without just running. That's just edge him on and make the halfbreed hunt him down.

"Where is she?!" Keith repeated, louder and more aggressive this time. He wasn't playing games, not when it came to his omega.

"I don't know! Shiro and Lance took her! They're probably in their room!" Hunk yelped, shrinking back further and attempting to keep himself there and not just run.

Keith huffed, straightening up as he flexed the claws he had. Galra genetics were a blessing for him and his aggressive instincts, but a curse for whoever got in his way.

Hunk knew Shiro and Lance were next for that curse.

Keith stalked forward, the larger alpha quickly getting out of his way as he watch the Galra begin to quickly head towards Lance and Shiro's room.

Keith's mind was going crazy and he was enraged. He needed to find Pidge, make sure that no one had taken advantage of her, and find a new place to take care of her during the last half of her heat.

They couldn't stay in his room, his scent would be too strong and would be seen as rude and far too forward when the two weren't even past the first two stages of courting.

They were already breaking so many courting rules by allowing Keith to help her.

"Katie!" Keith barked, voice echoing throughout the hallways of the castle.
"Where are you?!"

She was indeed in their packleaders room. Lance and Shiro  had ushered Pidge into their nest, eager to let Shiro spoil her and make up for attacking her.

Wanting her to know that despite everything that had happened, Shiro wasn't actually mad at her and that they still cared for her more than anything else.

Shiro smothered Pidge in his scent, purring softly as he did so. Trying to seem as kind and gentle as possible.

It had taken a few minutes to get Pidge comfortable around Shiro and it was obvious she was still on edge. Watching him out of the corner of her eye and turning whenever Shiro went behind her to be able to keep an eye on him.

Those minutes of getting her to relax and settle down felt like hours.

It had taken her even longer to get her into the nest, which was odd. She'd always loved snuggling with them in their nest.

Hopeless and in HeatWhere stories live. Discover now