Knot Gonna Happen

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Keith sat up, halfway convinced he'd heard the wrong thing.

"/excuse me?!/"

"I mean, if you'd rather not, you could always kn-"

"I'm not going to knot you, Pidge." Keith frowned, laying back down and letting her snuggle close once again.

"Normal sex?" She asked, looking up at him. Pidge was blunt on the best of days, she didn't waste time with skimming around. She just cut straight to the chase, even in her heat.

"If you're coherent later than we'll talk about it. You need rest." Keith sighed, running his hands down his face in exasperation. She was going to be the death of him.

"Pussy," Pidge mumbled under her beneath.

"No, I respect you. You deserve to not have your body intruded on like that." Keith said firmly, "if you really want me to finger you when it gets bad I will, but under no circumstances will I knot you. Not until we have a serious talk about all of this when you are /not/ in heat."

Pidge felt her body flush a bit at that.

He really respected her like that?

Keith was a better alpha than she thought he was, he wasn't just sexy as all hell and have a scent like a dream, he actually cared.

"Pidge," Keith sighed, "earth to Pidge?"

She jolted at that, sitting up a bit and looking at Keith.

"Sorry, what?" Pidge asked, feeling a bit light headed at the movement.

"Lay back down," Keith murmured, gently pulling her down.
"I was saying that you should get some sleep before your heat gets bad again."

"But-" Pidge began, about to argue.

"You need to rest." Keith barked, using his alpha voice.

The voice that made her knees weak and the scent of slick begin to start up again, still, she nodded and closed her eyes.

Keith sighed, waiting for her breathing to steady and her scent to die down before looking down at his pants and the boner straining against his sweatpants.

Keith mumbled a silent 'fuck you,' to his body before closing his own eyes.

Pidge woke up not even an hour later, feeling like her entire body was trying to murder her.

Her skin burned and felt like it was under boiling water, the ache and stiffness in her muscles made the thought of moving hurt, her head was pounding worse than the one time she'd been hit in the head during a mission, and her stomach.

God her fucking stomach.

The twisting ache inside of her was something fierce and unholy.

It made her lungs seize and the scream she wanted to let out catch in her throat.

Pidge was stuck there, laying in complete and utter pain without being able to say a thing.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, feeling sickly cold against the burning of her face.

Her thoughts ranged between how badly her body hurt and how much she wished Keith would just fucking wake up and help her.

As her mind focused on Keith and how for being there to help with her heat he was doing an utterly shit job at it her body decided then was the time to kick the whole heat things up a notch.

Pidge bit her lip as her core began to ache and the smell of slick became strong.

Well fuck.

Her mind began to wander once again.

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