Shouldn't Have.

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Pidge tried not to suffocate on her own scent as the door slammed shut, her whine for Keith only amplifying in desperation.

No, no, no!

The alpha she wanted was just there, right fucking there!

"Keith!" She called out again, trying push herself towards the door.

Lance grabbed onto her pulling her towards the bed.

"No!" She shouted, kicking against him.

Her panicked omega senses were kicking into overdrive, she didn't want Lance.

Her mind couldn't even comprehend that Lance was another omega and wasn't affected by her heat.

"Keith!" Pidge sobbed, all of her thoughts being taken over by her heat.

All she the thoughts she could comprehend was a jumbled mess that consisted of 'HurtsKeithHotAlphaKeithHurts'.

"Pidge! Calm down!" Lance yelped, looking around desperately for something to help.

He grabbed the tub of nesting materials, quickly pushing it towards her.

"Here! Keith probably put some of his stuff in it!" Lance smiled, watching as she began to dig through it without hesitation.

Pidge threw things behind her in a messy organization system.

She was clearly more concerned with finding something of Keith's and Lance could've sworn he saw some tears in her eyes when she pulled out Keith's jacket.

"There we go, come on, let's get this on you and get to work on building a nest." He hummed, trying to take the jacket to put it on Pidge.

And that was there he fucked up.

Pidge hissed loudly as soon as Lance's hands touched the fabric and she jerked away from him.

"Woah, sorry, sorry! Should've asked!" Lance chuckled, backing away as Pidge put on the cropped jacket.

It was just a normal slightly oversized jacket on her, in any normal situation it would've been adorable and he would've been harassing Pidge to let him take a picture.

Not that time though, Lance paled when he saw Pidge take a sniff of the jacket and the growl that rumbled in her throat as her pupils dilated.

Nope. Not good.

Pidge turned on Lance, shakily forcing herself to her feet and lunging for him with a territorial snarl.

Lance yelled out as the smaller omega cane crashing onto him and he barely managed to avoid her newly forming claws from taking out one of his ear lobes.

"Pidge!" He snapped, eyes wide with fear, "stop it!"

Lance could hear the others outside all milling around outside the door with concern.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Lance said slowly.
"I'm not here to take him or do anything but help you."

Pidge didn't honestly seem to care, instead she just let out a forewarning grunt as she reared up to attack him again.

Lance didn't really think as much as act, he quickly kicked Pidge right in the stomach to force her off of him.

She let out a loud moan of pain, curling up on herself as she sobbed.

Pidge felt her thoughts being taken from how badly she wanted Keith to be there and hold her and that she'd do whatever she needed to do to how badly that sudden attack hurt.

Hopeless and in HeatWhere stories live. Discover now