What Is This

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The remaining Paladins and Alteans all frowned as they sat in the common room, Coran working on figuring out a way to scent proof the castle with Hunk.

Pidge's heat scent had bled into the entire castle and it was not helping anyone. Especially since it was a first heat scent, enticing and practically begging for the alphas of the ship to respond.

Even the two mated alphas on the ship were having a difficult time.

Hunk and Shiro both felt restless, minds practically screaming at them to go help her. Shiro was especially getting affected. He was the pack leader, it was normally for alphas in a pack to help omegas through their heats without marking them, but it was almost tradition for a pack leader to help them through their very first.

If this had been a normal first heat, if they had been a normal pack and Shiro had Pidge's permission as well Lance's, he likely would've helped Pidge. But he'd lost so much of a say in who helped her the moment he attacked her.

Shiro hadn't meant to attack Pidge. He just did. His omega was hurt and Lance's scent screamed panic and Shiro just reacted.

He felt absolutely horrible, as soon as Pidge's heat was over he was going to do everything he could to make it up to her.

A pack leader attacking a pack omega in heat was unacceptable under any circumstances and Shiro could practically feel that their relationship as a pack was damaged by it.

Keith would be the most difficult to get to forgive him. They'd all realized it too late but Keith and Pidge were definitely in the early stages of courting. Hell, Keith had probably subconsciously knew that she was an unpresented omega thanks to his Galra genetics.

Galra had secondary sex characteristics, just like humans and Alteans, but theirs were far more for combat and defense purposes.

Galra omegas were incredible when it came to defending territory, aggressive and small and overwhelmingly fast one omega could hold a line against an entire fleet of foot soldiers.

Galra alphas, holy shit. Mountains of pure muscle and brute strength. They usually manned the front lines and often caused the Paladins the most trouble due to their ability to seemingly just know others dynamics and attack accordingly, always targeting omegas first to try and draw out protective alphas.

They'd always targeted Pidge as well as Lance, making it clear that they'd always known Pidge was an omega and Keith likely had too without realizing it and that was shown through the way they'd been courting.

The twos courting had been subtle, not nearly as blunt as an alpha and beta courting would've been.

No, Keith had been taking his time and was cautious, approaching Pidge like she was the last omega to exist and she had all the alphas she could ever want.

He'd been giving her little trinkets that he found on planets they went to and once Pidge had asked Keith to hand her something while he was doing something. The alpha had immediately dropped what he was doing and moved to help her so fast that he ended up tripping and nearly breaking his nose.

The two were obviously courting now that they looked back at it and they shouldn't have freaked out about Keith helping her as much as they had.

"It's been five days, we should go check on Pidge." Allura said suddenly, standing up and walking towards the hallway.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lance asked, following after her with Shiro and Hunk trailing behind him.

"We're down two paladins because of this, we need to see how far along she is and if Pidge is lucid." Allura huffed, trying not to gag on the heat scent that thickened as they walked through the halls.

Hopeless and in HeatWhere stories live. Discover now