More of a Gain.

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Pidge writhed in Keith's grasp, her nails scraping harshly against her scent glands as she tried to get the others scents off of her.

"Hey," Keith said firmly, grabbing onto her wrists.
"Don't. They're already sensitive. We'll wash you up, okay? Just relax."

Keith was careful to step around all the nesting materials so they wouldn't have to be replaced as he carried Pidge into the bathroom she had attached to her room.

They'd moved her into a different room shortly after they found her brother, as one would expect, her older alpha brother wasn't exactly happy when he found out his little (supposedly beta) sister was using a communal shower room with three male alphas when Lance also got his own bathroom.

So, they put Pidge in a different room, a larger one with a joint bathroom so she could have her privacy.

Keith set Pidge down on the sink countertop.

She groaned, leaning back against the cold mirror and relishing the different temperature.

Keith turned on the water to the shower, making sure it was still fairly warm so the small omega didn't get a temperature shock but it would still cool her down some.

"That should do.." he murmured, looking over at Pidge who was already trying to tug her clothes off.

Keith chuckled, walking over to her and carefully helping her pull off the remainder of her armor and under suit.

He debated keeping her bra and boxer on, but her sports bra wouldn't be doing her much good when her breast tissue eventually began to expand some and her chest would become sensitive and her boxers were already soaked with slick.

Loosing both of the articles of clothing would be more of a gain than a loss in this case.

Keith helped her peel off the two articles of underwear, both of which trying to cling to the moisture of her sweat coated skin.

She whimpered, squirming a bit to try and push her body into his touch.

"Pidge, no," Keith sighed, helping her into the shower and having her sit onto the floor so she could rest while he got work on taking off his own armor.

He piled his own armor and Pidge's armor into a corner of the room, they'd both need to be scrubbed down and sanitized until there wasn't any distinguishing scents on them.

Keith looked over at Pidge when she whined loudly, legs held tightly together as she complained about the pain.

"I know, Pidge." Keith murmured, stripping off his under suit.

He kept on his boxers and stepped into the shower, gently moving Pidge so he could sit behind her.

Keith grabbed the many soaps Lance had insisted Pidge try but she'd never really used.

The small omega whimpered, pushing back towards Keith and trying to get as close to him as possible and rub the scent of the other alphas off of her.

He chuckled softly, nuzzling into her shoulder.

"You're ridiculous," he hummed, taking a deep breath so he could try and get a whiff of her scent from underneath the jumbled mess of all the others.

Pidge smelt like sugar cookies and lemon, a scent he and the others all nicknamed the calm before the storm.

Keith grabbed a lemon scented soap, squirting some out into his hands and scrubbing it against her scent glands.

He could remember the first time they'd used her scent as bait and how much she'd hated it.

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