Chapter Nineteen

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They follow the trail and broken stocks of crops until they come to the large crop duster runway. "This is it; I'd be willing to bet this is where Dendera and the others were." Daylen says catching his breath.

"They're gone now... we have no clue where to." Serah says.

"Serah I don't know what to do, I think it's just you, me and Ar..." Daylen is thrust forward from behind by a huge burst of energy.

"Daylen!" Serah yells as she turns around.

Hovering three feet off the ground is a first born in the skin of a female wearing business professional clothing. Serah knows by the bright fire white eyes, she hovers in place as she looks over Daylen and Serah not seemingly concerned with the two but more curious instead.

"Leave us alone you bitch!" Serah says as she pushes into the air sending an equally powerful thrust into the first born vessel.

The first born flies backward ten feet hitting the ground and rolling; she punches the ground in anger sending an electric type of energy snaking around her body. She stands and opens her arms levitating once more. Serah throws another energy wave but the first born does as well; the waves collide causing a small sonic boom throughout the area. Daylen rises and throws out his arm summoning his blade; he runs behind the first born and tries to stab her in the back. She jolts to the side still floating, turns around and grabs Daylen in the air by some unseen force causing him to become immobile again. She then raises her left arm and sends out another wave of energy thrusting Daylen fifteen feet back knocking him into the small home next to the runway.

Serah throws another powerful blast at the first born who is hit again falling to the earth. As she rises, Serah and the being once more trade blasts sending each of them bleeding and thrust backwards.

Daylen feels like he has been hit by a bus and struggles to stand, he re-summons his blade and runs to the fight just in time to see Serah being blasted several times by the first born.

He manages to stab the creature through the side, light pours from the wound as he pulls out his blade. The female vessel backhands Daylen charged with an energy wave sending him flying backwards again. She then reaches out her left hand and grabs Daylen yet again by the invisible force; she reaches out her right hand and grabs Serah. She moves her arms together bringing the two in front of her hovering off the ground.

The disembodied voice returns sounding the same as the one in Iceland only from a different vessel. "How many are you nephilim?" She asks.

Daylen struggles to speak from his crushed insides, "I'll ki... kill all of your damn soldiers if I hav... have to, then I'll come for you." He says in response.

The first born still holding the two in air unable to move looks around slowly at the dead infected from Dendera's escape.

"The drones are of no consequence to us, we are they who came first and we are without number." The first born replies as she proceeds to charge energy around her hands.

Electricity flashes and snakes around her hands, fingers and arms charging an energy wave that will surely blow Daylen and Serah to pieces. Just before she is about to launch it a piece of two by four broken wood is plunged through her chest sending blood and white light pouring out. Daylen and Serah fall to the ground; Daylen summons his blade once more and jumps on the stunned first born and proceeds to stab her repeatedly in the chest.

Serah stands over the body as the first born tries to stand and sends energy wave after energy wave directed at her face. It pounds over and over like a sledge hammer crushing skin, bone and all into a red milky mulch that fills a small crater made by each blast. In a violent engulfing nova of light, there is a deep scream as a white fiery light beams into the sky seemingly sending energy up.

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