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It has been a little over one month since the great conflict; Serah is in the kitchen of the Alabama plantation and places a freshly baked but cooled cake on a serving platter. She begins to ice it when a little voice chimes in, "Aunt Serah, is it ready yet?" The young witch Keela asks impatiently.

"Almost squirt, just a few minutes after I ice it ok?" Serah replies. "And hey squirt... happy birthday." Serah says smiling at the young O'Leary sister.

"Thank you! Oh and Thaddeus says he's thirsty." Keela says before poking her head back around the corner and running into the living room.

Serah walks to the fridge and opens it; she grabs a unit of blood and makes her way into the living room. She tosses the pouch to Thaddeus who watches the TV intently, he catches it. Ari, Dendera, Abigail and the witches also sprawl across couches peering at the screen.

"Work is nonstop for us as there is much to do... electric grids must be brought back online, food and emergency systems are priority but today world leaders have gathered here in Canada at the wall in a moment of respect... The enormous amount of lives lost and sacrificed will be honored as the president and prime minister will speak later at the memorial. Reports are coming in from special intelligence units around the world that many of the infected humans or drones as some refer to them, have began to simply expire since their hosts have retreated. World leaders hope to return to their homes with their people in a few months to begin rebuilding their shattered worlds. The United States and all other nations have pledged to help in any way they can."

The camera pans around showing a stone wall ten feet high and only twenty foot long, it was built as a monument, a memorial of humanity united as one in defense of all life on earth. History has been re-written, scholars and great minds of both religion and history will discuss, study and debate these events for lifetimes. If ever a silver lining existed it is the fact that they even live to do so, after so narrowly escaping extinction.

Serah turns around and walks past Oliver's cane in the corner, she stops for a moment looking at it before returning to the kitchen to ice the cake for the sisters. As she holds the spatula she glances at the blue ribbon around her wrist, she smiles feeling that Daylen still sees her. "Sister, you don't have to do all this alone, let me help you." Dendera says entering the kitchen.

"I don't mind, keeps my mind off of... you know... everything." Serah replies.

"Here, let me... I'm pretty sure in all my years I can remember my way around a cake." Dendera responds taking the spatula away with a smile.

Dendera's hand touches Serah's as she grabs the utensil, she jolts and pulls away, the spatula falls to the ground. It is quiet in the kitchen as Serah looks at Dendera nervously.

Dendera's eyes grow large as she hears Serah's heart beating very fast... franticly even. Serah is excited and nervous, her rhythm gives it away. Dendera's eyes begin to water as she hears a second faint heartbeat; she looks into Serah's eyes and places her hand on her stomach.

Dendera has a tear roll down her cheek as she sees Serah's head nodding up and down in a confirming motion; the two begin to cry in front of a cake.

                                                                               The End

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