Chapter Twenty One

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Thaddeus recovers as does Ari. Serah and Daylen gather everyone in the living room to discuss their next move with time inevitably dwindling down until the first born do to the west what they did to the east.

"I've been thinking... It's pretty clear we're not going to get the sects and clans together. A lot of them were on the eastern hemisphere and well... all that has pretty much fallen to the first born and their drones now." Daylen says to the group.

"So what are you suggesting, what can two vampires, a werewolf warden and... whatever you are do against an enemy like the first born?" Ari asks.

"Well... if we're all going to die the same, humans and us... why don't we just... reveal ourselves?" Daylen replies.

"Do you think it will work and why?" Serah asks confused.

"I can't say for sure, but if we let them know we're here, who we are, what we are... try to work with them, explain to them what the first born are and how to kill them. Maybe if we can work together with the humans numbers we can have a chance. It's better than just trying to fight alone in which case we will not only die alone but die fast." Daylen suggest.

They all stop and think for a moment, there really is no other option other than just sit in the plantation home and wait for death. "How would we even do that? Just get on TV somehow and say, here we are?" Serah asks.

"No... we tell the people that matter so to speak, the ones that need to know..." Thaddeus chimes in.

"What do you mean Thad?" Serah asks.

"The ones in charge of the offensive, the president, and his top generals... give them the info they need." Thaddeus continues.

"How the hell are we going to get the president alone?" Serah asks.

They are all quiet for a moment, and then as if on cue they all look up at Daylen in unison.

Daylen holds his hands in front of him waving back and forth, "Whoa... oh no... I am not shadow walking the president of the United States here..." Daylen says.

"It's the only way Daylen! You know it." Serah says.

"It is risky but with your ability we would have him alone for however long we needed... if we can get through to him we may be able to rally mankind." Ari says.

"What other choice do we have? I don't want to die in a damn bed here." Thaddeus says.

"Ok, so where do we even start? I mean, the president is in an undisclosed location, I doubt he is sitting in the Whitehouse right now." Serah asks.

"The address... where the president just gave the address." Thaddeus says.

They all look confused at Thaddeus. "What do you mean? What about it?" Serah asks.

"Wait, I know what he's saying." Daylen says, "He's saying if I can shadow walk into that very room, where the president addressed the nation from on TV."

"Yes! That would be the closest we're going to get to him without interrogating every official up the chain of command to find him. It would put you in his vicinity at least." Serah replies realizing what they are hinting at.

"Ok so we need to get online and find a recording of the address..." Daylen says.

"No need, they are running it on a loop as we speak trying to calm people." Ari says as he motions to the TV.

Daylen nods as Serah gets up and turns out the lights in the living room. Everyone backs away and watches Daylen stare at the screen silent, he breathes and focuses. "I hope no one is in that room..." Serah says worried that Daylen will appear directly in the middle of a group.

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