Chapter Thirty One : Into Oblivion

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(Into oblivion)

The drones are cut down wave after wave as they mindlessly throw themselves into the line of fire, body after body falls. All variety of rifle and firearm pour cartridges into the massive flood. Snipers posted on highpoints and towers along the wall are seen franticly aiming down sites, moving from target to target. Soldiers and civilians behind the fire line throw grenades as far as they can, causing hundreds of fragmentation explosions that flare up the night.

From behind the lines dozens of bright flares stream through the skies as the scope and magnitude of drones is revealed. From the air the returning fighter pilots now freshly re-armed look down onto an ocean. Miles and miles from the wall and back onto Canadian soil stretches a vast, endless sea of drones.

"Viper one, viper squadron re-engaging, releasing package."

The jets and choppers zoom over the drones as fighters release more death from above, it is thunderous... the drone lines are decimated with countless dead... but they are quickly replenished by the flood behind them. The fighters return to base leaving choppers lingering just overhead the wall as machine guns mounted to their underbellies rain down bullet casings. The blazing aircraft guns empty every round into the drones as they move side to side in a spraying motion, soon they too must retreat to resupply. Artillery from behind the wall is deafening as they pound the enemy. Air crews are working in breakneck paces to keep up from behind the wall. The human front line retreats to the rear to reload as the backup lines take their place continuing the constant stream of fire into their enemy.

The dead drones are so many that a wall of bodies is beginning to stack, as one drone is shot and falls another climbs over it only to be shot as well. This creates a kind of barrier of dead that allows humans some breathing room as drones must now climb over another obstacle to reach them.

Abigail and her sisters summon large balls of steel melting flame and send them roaring into the drones causing massive grenade like explosions. As the fire balls make impact it spreads like napalm burning any drones that enter or cross its deadly radius. "I'm glad they're on our side!" Serah yells to Daylen nodding in the witches' direction.

The battle rages on for a while and as long as ammo doesn't run out; it seems humanity may yet have a chance. After twenty or so more minutes the dreaded but inevitably expected begins to happen, the first born drop pods begin appearing from the night sky falling like flaming meteors all around. While only one first born is needed to control thousands of drones, literally hundreds of first born pods descend from the skies landing in the kill zone outside the wall and behind the wall itself.

"Wolves, vampires, shadow company, ready yourselves, it is our turn to fight!" Dendera yells as the word spreads down the wall from section commanders.

The pods open and first born beings in light form begin sucking into human hosts all around, wolves begin a violent assault as they jump onto the beings. The first born will not be taken so easily however, powerful energy blasts begin flying from the hands of the levitating first born punching holes through wolves and humans. Soldiers and civilians in the back ranks turn and fire at the first born who are among them; the bullets are deflected by the shields. The only way to dispatch these beings is up close and personal. Daylen looks over as the Yakuza vampire sect draw their katanas with Rue leading their charge.

With vampire speed they blur across the field to the first born behind the wall, they slash and fight as several beams of light burst to the sky sending the first born into the void. The battle is now inside and outside the wall as drones pound against raging gunfire and explosions while firstborn slaughter behind human lines.

The Yeren begin their assault as they reach through shields and smash first born vessels with powerful fist turning ribcages and skulls to mush. Light pours out as first born are being killed by the massive creatures that grunt and moan as giants do. The first born take their share as the white fiery light of energy is thrown from their hands knocking Yeren back. They stumble as some fall slowly reaching out massive arms to catch themselves, two first born surround a Yeren as humans quickly try shooting them only to have their shots deflected by shields. Three surround the Yeren as they levitate several feet from the ground sending wave after wave of energy into its massive body. Chunks of hair and flesh are knocked away as the giant groans in pain until several more blasts hit its head knocking holes through its eyes and out the back of its skull... it falls slamming into the earth, dead.

The Yeren, wolves and vampires are joined in battle behind the wall by Dendera, Serah, Daylen and Thaddeus. Serah and Dendera unleash their most powerful telekinetic blast as they push out their arms knocking first born in all directions. Daylen jumps to the back of one and thrusts his glowing blade through its skull; Daylen drops to the ground with the blade still in its head dragging it with him cutting the being in half. Its nova sends Daylen flying backward as it dies.

Thaddeus fights with a Sheppard's short blade and his fist as he stabs and gouges, the Sheppards led by Caleb also are engaged in the fight. Caleb like other vampires, moves swiftly through the ranks as he cuts and slashes, the witches remain on the wall sending relentless fire raining down on the drones that flood even still without end.

Casualties begin to mount heavily as first born pods continue to fall all around. The air support is being demolished as well as from outside the wall first born hover in place amongst the drones and fire into the skies wildly acting as its very own anti aircraft system. Viper squadron and others must fall back as aircraft are pulled from the skies by the powerful psychic grip of first born and their energy waves.

Ari and Astrid fight side by side double teaming first born, Ari clasps his powerful jaws around a neck as Astrid bites and tears off legs and arms. Wolves and vampires are killed as first born use the same immobilizing ability Daylen has been caught in before, freezing them in place and stunned they throw their arms out sending bursts of energy that knocks holes through their chest, heads and stomachs, just as Oliver died... so too do they. The dead litter the ground while Yeren casualties mount as well. The walking tanks continue swiping the ground shattering shields and first born vessels sending explosions of light out.

The lines of humans along the wall begin to break as they must turn their attention from the kill zone outside the wall to the first born that move behind them. With the concentrated line of fire, broken pockets of drones begin to climb the wall and attack anything in sight.

"Daylen, Daylen, they are breaking through!" Serah yells as she fights alongside Dendera.

"Sanchez, we got to go help at the wall!" Pearl screams as the two vampires and Daylen rush to the closest breach in the wall.

The vampires along with the nephilim slash and kill with uncanny speed knowing each second wasted on a target is another that gets through. Pearl uses her daggers and Sanchez his signature bowie knife, the two old companions from years unknown, fight their last battle. The landing pods continue to drop; with every human consumed by a first born a new vessel is created. The wall several miles down the line is breached as first born pour in spreading left and right, vampires fight with fang and blade, wolves slash and bite with tooth and claw... mighty Yeren smash and pull apart while the witches become overrun.

"Abigail, we can't stay here!" Clara yells as they throw fireballs in retreat.

The witches move from atop their perch and into the fray behind the wall. Abigail holds the hand of her youngest sister as she uses her free hand to continue to throw flaming death at the drones. They step backward fighting the entire way until Clara trips over a dead human soldier, the other witches don't notice in their intense focus on the fight. Nine drones that breach the wall are on Clara; she burns several while others bite into her heel and thighs as they pull her backward. "Ahhhh!" Clara screams in pain as more surround her.

"Clara!" Keela screams as she tries to run to her big sister.

Elie grabs her, Abigail rushes over but a first born inhabits a human Korean soldier just in front of her. He levitates off the ground and opens his eyes of white energy barely contained by the vessel. Abigail screams as she raises her arms ablaze, she throws fire into the first born, he falls backwards ignited. Abigail is tackled from the side by several drones as her two sisters behind her try and fend off the first born.

They fight their way through the drones, all three focus fire on the first born between them and their sister. The vessel is so badly burned that light radiates in a nova explosion killing the being, they can finally see the path to Clara.

It is too late, the sisters cry out in agony as Clara lies motionless with drones swarming her, her body twitches and moves slightly as chunks of flesh are ripped from her corpse... her eyes remain open though lifeless as they stare in Abigail's direction.

"She's gone, we haveto go!" Serah says grabbing Abigail by the arm. The sisters and Serah retreatback to the lines where the vampires, wolves, Yeren and Sheppards continue thebattle with dwindling numbers.

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