Chapter Three

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"Sister, we're about to have visitors," Starfreeze said.

"Then we'll be ready to greet them," Skywave replied. Bumblebee's helm was lowered, his optics dark. He had not taken the journey to their base very well. The tendrils made it almost look like his yellow helm was streaked with black. Starfreeze wasn't focusing on him, so the tendrils moved sluggishly. 

They left him dangling from the ceiling, narrowing their optics against the light produced by the green and white portal. The Autobots walked through, Optimus Prime leading them. Starfreeze's derma curled in disgust as she saw him, her countenance darkening. They backed out of the light, whispering sounds emitting from them. 

"I'll go around. You handle the Prime," Skywave said, disappearing then reappearing behind the Autobots as the portal closed. Starfreeze didn't waste another second, raising a servo. Darkness shot out of her palm, meeting Optimus square in the chassis.

"You," she hissed. "Traitor! Coward!" The Autobots turned around to fire, but Skywave caught them from behind, the femme gasping. The mech remaining took out his weapons and tried to charge Skywave, but she easily broke his mace off and grabbed his neck, her tentacles wrapping firmly around it. The blue femme collapsed on the floor. Starfreeze bent over Optimus.

"Starfreeze," he whispered. "How?"

"Surprised to see me?" she snarled. "You left me to die!" Optimus stiffened as black cords snaked up his chassis. 

"I did not try to make you suffer," he said, his voice straining as the cords tightened around him.

"Sister, perhaps you could have a little fun with him. Make him feel your pain," Skywave suggested. She dropped the green wrecker. Starfreeze paused, then released Optimus. He fell limp on the floor, groaning. 

"Whatever I do to you, I won't do it here," she said. "I have a much better plan." She then touched Optimus and they both disappeared.

They reappeared in the arctic, darkness surrounding Starfreeze like a shield. Optimus, however, was vulnerable to the cold, frost already building on his armor. "Starfreeze, it was not my intention for you to perish," he said, moving to get onto his pedes. She shoved him back down.

"Then why did you leave me?" she hissed, darkness spreading from her digits to his chassis. Optimus' optics widened as it made contact with him. "Tell me!"

"If I had had a choice, I would not have left you!" he said, reaching up and touching the darkness. Starfreeze's optics darkened with fury.

"You are Optimus Prime! You always have a choice! I see all of your Autobots here with you; you didn't sacrifice them." Her servos shook briefly. "Why me?"

"Forgive me," he pleaded. She tightened her grip, making him gasp. 

"How can I?" she said. "When you haven't suffered nearly as much as I!" She grabbed him and disappeared once more. This time, they reappeared aboard the main bridge on the Nemesis. Megatron, Airachnid, and Soundwave turned to face them.

"Take him," Starfreeze said. "Make sure he suffers, but don't kill him. I want him to feel the pain of betrayal." Megatron eyed her. "I assume this is the Optimus Prime you have been looking for, am I wrong?"

"No," Megatron said slowly. "Why are you giving him to us so...willingly?" 

"Because I don't want him. There is nothing I can do that is bad enough for him to realize the extent of what he has done to me," she replied.

"Who are you and why should we trust you?" Airachnid said. 

"I am no one you should be concerned about...yet." Starfreeze pushed Optimus forward. He staggered and with an extra shove, he fell onto his servos and knee plates. "And if this offering is not enough to make you believe in my intentions, you may as well forget I ever existed." She turned around and disappeared. Megatron looked at Optimus, then gave him a wicked grin. Airachnid walked over and lifted him up with her extra limbs, walking back over to Megatron.

"Take him to the lab," the gladiator said. "We're going to have so much fun with you." Optimus lowered his helm in defeat as they dragged him off to the experimental lab. 

Starfreeze reappeared in her base where Skywave was clearing the Energon off the floor.

"Such a mess," she said to her sister, showing her the blue Energon staining her digits. "What'd you do with him?"

"Took him to the arctic, then handed him over to the 'Cons." Starfreeze bent down and began to help her sister clean up the mess. 

"Ooh, I hope they put that processor right," Skywave said, grinning. Starfreeze nodded. 

"What are you going to do with the bug?" she asked.

"I've got a few ideas in mind," Skywave replied, glancing over to where Bumblebee was hanging. 

"And the others?" 

"I sent them back to their base with a message and a few dents." 

"They don't know the location?"

"How could they? We're on a different planet!" Starfreeze nodded in approval. They had gone to Earth yet made their base on Cybertron, allowing the Ground Bridge to reach them only so they could have a victory over the Autobots. It was working. 

"Now what?" Skywave asked, flicking the excess Energon off her digits. 

"We finish the job," Starfreeze responded. They glanced at each other, then parted ways to rest. 

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