Chapter Eighteen

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"Surprise!" Skywave said, walking onto the main bridge of the Nemesis. Megatron whirled around, Soundwave turning more slowly to look at her. 

"Who are you?" the gladiator asked, his voice low and dangerous. Skywave grinned wickedly. This was going to be fun if Megatron thought he could fight her. 

"I've got VIP entrance," she replied. Megatron's lip raised in disgust and his blade came out with a screech. Skywave lowered into a defensive position and met him head on, his blade not even touching her servos before dissolving. He gritted his sharp teeth. 

"For once, a bot you can't defeat in five clicks," Skywave sneered, balling her servo into a fist and swinging it towards him. He tried to block it, but a hole opened in his arm and shoulder. Soundwave moved to intercept her, but she kicked him down, ripping Lazerbeak off his chassis and tossing him aside. The drone sparked and fell still and Soundwave tried even harder to fight her, but he soon found himself without arms and Megatron writhing on the ground.

"Bonus for me," Skywave said, standing up. "Hmph. Did I just do the Autobots a favor?" She shrugged and walked out of the room, making her way to the torture room. 

"Optimus Prime, the traitor," she said, waltzing into the room. No one was currently in it, though it appeared Knockout was behind schedule with his reparing duties. Or maybe it was intentional. She walked straight up to him and without hesitating began to torture him. He gasped when she hit a particularly tender spot. His armor was battered and gashed, poorly welded. It was after all only going to be reopened in the next round of torture. He groaned. 

"Why did you do it?" Skywave hissed, grabbing the base of his helm and jerking it up. He met her optics, his own dull and defeated. "Why did you betray her?" 

"I don't know," he replied. Then Skywave realized something. His armor was dark, what was left of it anyway. There were dark shadows flitting over his frame. A smile split her features. 

"How clever my sister is," she replied. She caught one of the shadows as it scrambled beneath her digits. Optimus' optics widened as she pulled it away. "Do you know what this is?" He shook his helm. "This is a soul shadow. They eat away at every emotion you have. My sister is the only known Cybertronian with the darkness that has been able to conjure them. She can do it with ease. A personal favorite of all her tricks." She flicked the shadow off her digits, watching carefully as it reattached to Optimus. 

"I may not be as powerful as my sister, but I can still be lethal in torture and in words," Skywave said thoughtfully. Optimus looked pleadingly up at her. "I remember when I was first reunited with her. She was hurt both physically and mentally. She admitted to me how she felt for you, and I could feel her devastation when she told me you didn't care."  

"I never intended to hurt her," Optimus said, his voice raspy from misuse. 

"But did you search for her?" Skywave prompted. He blinked, then lowered his helm in shame. "Well, I know just how to put you out of your misery, at least for now. I may not be able to conjure soul shadows, but I can most certainly enhance their abilities." She waved a servo and the shadows thickened, becoming more visible and less fleeting. "Enjoy, Optimus Prime. It may be the last feeling you ever have." She then turned and promptly disappeared. 

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