Chapter Sixteen

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"What's on the news?" Miko asked, pressing the button on the remote. Jack snored softly in the corner and Mrs. Darby worked profusely on Raf. He was pale, almost gray looking with black veins spreading throughout his body. Miko was only trying to distract herself from thoughts of what could happen to him. The doctors were uncertain of what to do, what medicines to use that wouldn't have negative side effects, and no one except for Raf was sure what had caused this.

"Ah! Politics!" Miko cried, flipping the TV off once she saw the president walk onto the screen. She sank into the chair, turning back to look at her friend. "We shouldn't be here," she said softly. "Ratchet said..." Tears suddenly flooded her eyes at the thought of Ratchet and Optimus. Where were they? Were they okay? Mrs. Darby looked up at her and offered her a small smile.

A screech and metal clashing sounded outside and they both looked out the window. Bumblebee was parked outside below their window, a sleek black and purple car pulling up beside him. "Wow," Miko said. "For such a sleek car, that sure is a lot of screeching."

Apparently the noise had woken Jack and he looked out the window as well. "Unless it's not a car at all," he said. Miko and Mrs. Darby looked at him, then realized what he was saying.

"Come on!" Miko called, taking off. "We gotta warn Bumblebee!"

"He probably already knows," Jack said, catching her before she could go out the door. "No reason to put ourselves at risk." Miko paused, then nodded, pressing her face against the window. There was a small flash inside the black and purple car, then a woman stepped out. She was wearing a black jacket with purple highlights and black pants, her dark hair streaked with purple as well.

"Into that color scheme, isn't she," Miko commented. Jack nodded. The woman knocked on Bumblebee's window. "Does she expect anyone to be in-" She stopped as the woman backed away and the door opened. Out stepped Bumblebee's holoform. "Why's he responding to her? That's what she wants!"

"Because it will cause a lot more problems if he doesn't," Jack whispered. "Now be quiet." They both pressed their faces back to the window. The woman said something and Bumblebee shook his head. A small smile appeared on the woman's face. Bee then backed against the car, his hands in fists.

"Did she just provoke him?" Miko hissed furiously. "Someone's got to get in there!"

"No. He can handle it," Jack said, putting his hand on her shoulder. The woman, Starfreeze they assumed, produced a blade from in her sleeve and advanced towards Bumblebee. 

"What if the police see this?" Miko asked. 

"I don't know," Jack replied. "Let's hope they don't." 

"Why not? They could totally arrest her!" Miko said. 

"She's a giant alien robot. You can't just arrest them." 


Bumblebee dodged her first attack, coming up behind her. However, when he touched her, he jerked his hand back, his eyes widening. Starfreeze laughed and grabbed him. "Now what?" Miko asked. Jack tensed. 

"I guess we go out. They're in human form now. Just don't touch her. Be sure to use an object and if anything happens to it, drop it," he said. Miko nodded and they exited the building, grabbing random objects.

"I suggest you drop it, fleshlings," Starfreeze said, though she wasn't looking at them. 

"She can see us from her vehicle form," Miko said. "That's so creepy." 

"Let him go," Jack said. "He's a good bot. He even tried to show your sister how he felt. She turned him down." 

"You're lying," Starfreeze growled, turning to face them. Bee dropped onto the ground. She stalked towards them, extending her hand towards them. Miko tossed her 'weapon' at her, but it dissolved before it even touched her. They backed up, stepping down from the curb. There was a clicking sound then Starfreeze collapsed on the ground. Her true form skidded across the ground, Bumblebee grabbing her and pinning her to the ground. 

"Bumblebee!" Jack and Miko called together. The scout completely ignored the black tendrils that shot out and wrapped around his arms and legs, snapping them and lifting Starfreeze. 

"This is all a game to me," she hissed, lifting her servos and pressing them to Bee's helm. He narrowed his optics, taking one of her arms and pulling it away, then the other. His optics flickered and his colors dimmed slightly, but he didn't seem to lack strength as he threw Starfreeze onto the road and shot three times. She cried out, rolling away. 

"Go you!" Miko shouted, jumping up and down. Bumblebee ran forward as Starfreeze began to recover and shoved her back onto the road. She made a chilling sound and her body began to vibrate. Bumblebee raised his helm and made a sort of screaming sound. Two car horns sounded and Wheeljack and Bulkhead drove up to the scene. However, Starfreeze had wriggled out from beneath Bumblebee. The scout was writhing on the ground, black smoke rising from him. Jack and Miko were frozen in horror as shadows rose out of the ground and wrapped themselves around him. 

"Stay back," Starfreeze hissed, her optics now black instead of purple. Bulkhead and Wheeljack skidded to halts and transformed. Bumblebee struggled against the shadows, but suddenly, within a couple of seconds, he made a screeching noise and his body suddenly turned into a black liquid spilling onto the road. Miko covered her mouth, a scream escaping her. Jack hugged her tightly. 

"What did you do?" Wheeljack demanded, starting towards her. Starfreeze looked at him. 

"Come any closer and your fate is the same," she stated. Wheeljack stopped, glaring at her. "He hurt my sister. I would do anything for her, even destroy the one she once loved. He will no longer haunt her." 

"You killed him!" Bulkhead shouted, his optics wide. Starfreeze lifted her helm, her optics returning to normal. Then, without another word, she disappeared. Jack and Miko ran over and dropped down beside the puddle. 

"What are we going to do?" Miko asked, tears streaming down her face. "Arcee's lying on a medical berth and we have no idea where the others are. Now Bumblebee's dead." Jack pulled her close to him and let her cry. 

"You kids have to go home," Wheeljack said, his voice rough. Jack looked up at him. "This isn't safe. They're too dangerous, and we aren't strong enough to protect you." 

"Okay," Jack whispered, too shocked to argue. He helped Miko onto her feet and walked her back to the hospital. Bulkhead stared in shock at the black puddle that had once been his friend. He bent down and touched it, greeted with a stinging feeling that soon faded. He looked back at Wheeljack, who looked too tense to say anything. 

"He's gone?" he asked, his voice soft. Wheeljack looked away. 

"We'd better find the other and heal Arcee before this gets any worse. If hasn't already," the wrecker said, transforming. "Come on." Bulkhead paused for a second before following his friend's example. They drove back to base with heavy sparks and low hopes. Everything was falling apart, the team, their chances of defeating the Shadow Sisters. Was it too late to even try?

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