Chapter Fourteen

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"Rise and shine!" Wheeljack shouted down the hallway. Bumblebee groaned and slid off the berth, landing front side on the floor. He didn't want to move. He was tired and cold and stiff. And his quarters were nice and quiet and private. I'm not moving. 

"Time to rise," Wheeljack said, pounding on the door. "I guess you don't have to shine." 

"Why is shining optional?" Bee whined.

"Because our little femme is also rising." Bee shot upright and bolted out of the room, running into Wheeljack. "Woah! Take it easy there." Bee ignored him and darted into the main room. Skywave groaned and pushed herself up, blinking her optics open. She stiffened and got to her pedes. Bee reached out and caught her arm. She whirled around.

"Don't touch me," she snarled, jerking her arm out of how grasp. Bumblebee looked pleadingly at her, only to earn a hard shove in the chassis that sent him staggering back. She stalked towards him, unsheathing a blade. 

"I'm sorry," he said. 

"It's far over due," Skywave hissed, backing him up against a wall. She flashed a servo out, the tentacles unwinding and grasping his neck cables. "You never should have run if you were sorry."

"I know it was a mistake," he said.

"You knew," she laughed. "So you never loved me."

"That's not true," he whirred. "You have to believe me."

"Well, I don't. You best let it go. Fate will find you." She released him, the tentacles wrapping around her arm again. The blade slid back into its place with a screech. 

"I regretted leaving you. I tried to find you," Bee said. He reached down and pulled out a moderate size object. He grabbed her servo and pushed it in. "I also found your fossil." 

She opened her servo, her optics softening the slightest bit, unnoticeable to the untrained optic. "I was there," she whispered. "Just out of sight. One more day Bumblebee, you would have found me. But you lost hope. You were a coward. You were always a coward." She placed the fossil on a monitor and turned around. "Starfreeze is out there and I don't abandon my family." Bee thought he saw a small tear slide down her face plate, but she disappeared before he could see. He moved to the monitor and picked up the fossil and hugged it to his chassis, his own tears flowing freely. He felt three little pairs of arms wrapping around his legs.

"It's okay," Raf whispered. Jack and Miko whispered something comforting as well. Bee tried to say something, but he felt like his voice box had been ripped out all over again. He only managed a pitiful beep. He bent down and looked at the humans. They met his optics, smiling softly.

"Thanks," Bee whirred to Raf. His friend nodded. Then he suddenly gasped and collapsed on the floor.

"Raf!" Miko called. Jack picked him up.

"We have to get him to my mom," he said. Bee transformed, opening the door. They climbed in, driving out of the base. Bee wondered how many more mistakes he could make before Skywave finally thought he'd been punished enough. 'Please not Raf.' But he knew that Skywave wouldn't stop. Perhaps it was too late to heal her. Right then, he wished that he'd never let her go down the slope. Maybe she would be beside him right now. As he pulled into the town, alone and afraid, he dropped them off at the hospital and drove beyond the town limits, onto the open road.

He transformed and ran to a halt. He looked up, falling to his knee plates. "Is this what love is like?" he wondered aloud. He pulled out the fossil and cradled it in his servos. Then he raised his helm and turned around, shifting into his alt form and driving off, a cloud of dust rising in his wake.

When the dust cleared from where he'd been, the fossil lay still. There was a flash, then two slender servos picked up the fossil then disappeared.

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