Chapter Twenty Six

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"Ah, curse Primus my back hurts. Who stabbed me?" Skywave opened her optics, only squinting at the world above her.

"That's good." She opened her optics fully.

"Here. Why? And when did your voice sound so... Not like a femme?" Skywave asked, turning her helm. But she didn't see Starfreeze and the base was far too bright to be on the husk of Cybertron. "I know you! I thought Silvo ate you!"

"She did. But a meal has to come out one way or the other and it's good because that means you have feeling and are getting better," the mech said. He walked over to her and studied her. "Sit up for me." Skywave obeyed, pushing herself up. Her arms wouldn't support her however, and she fell back onto the berth.  The mech supported her as she tried a second time with one arm. Then she realized he only had one arm.

"You're arm!" she exclaimed. He shrugged. 

"The others are getting a replacement. It does nothing to my skills, but my capability of handling patients is slightly affected," he said. "You don't seem to be seriously injured, but your core systems are fighting to recover." 

"What does that mean?" she asked. 

"The darkness you relied upon for so long suddenly departing is having effects on your functionality," the medic said. "Hopefully, a bit of rest and Energon will clear it up." He allowed her to lower back onto the berth, letting out an audible sigh of relief as her back met up with the surface. 

"So, where is everyone?" she asked.

"The wreckers and Arcee are out collecting Energon, Bumblebee is helping with the arm, Optimus is down, and I'm here helping you," the mech said. 

"Thanks," Skywave said, but her voice was slightly tighter after she heard the name Optimus. The mech that drove her sister insane, fueled the darkness inside her, and eventually tore them apart. She hated him almost much as Starfreeze had. 

"You sound tense," the mech said. "You need to relax." 

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Do you have some Energon? I'm starving." She turned away from the medic as he stepped away from his monitor. He paused, then nodded and turned down a hallway. Skywave sighed again and closed her optics, drifting off into darkness before the mech even returned. 

A few hours later...

"Hard to sleep when you're hungry or does that come naturally?" 

Skywave opened her optics again, seeing the same mech from before hand her an Energon cube. She devoured it quickly, sitting up. He handed her a second one, which disappeared promptly. 

"I don't have a third; would you like one?" the mech asked, not looking up from his work. 

"No thanks," Skywave replied. She looked around, her optics coming to a stop at the berth in which a gray form was settled. Optimus. His optics were staring blankly at the ceiling, though it appeared he was alert. "Whatcha doin', anyway?"

"Trying to get Optimus' vitals up," the medic said, looking down at the keys then back up at the screen. She frowned and looked back at Optimus. She jumped when she noticed his helm had turned and he was looking at her. His optics were flickering every now and then, giving away how sick he must have been. She fought the urge to smile. At least you got what you deserved. He never should have treated her sister the way he did. And now he was paying for it the way she had. She turned away. 

"The others left for another mission before you ask," the mech said without even looking at her. She closed her intake. 

"Can you read minds?" she inquired. He snorted. 

"No. I'm pretty good at predicting what you're going to ask, however. Change tactics and maybe I'll be easier to talk to." 

"You don't seem like you would be very easy to talk to either way." 

"That's what Miko tells me." 

"She's smart." Skywave beamed at him as he turned to give her a scathing look. She relaxed on the berth. "What mission?" 

"Two were deployed to collect Energon and the other two are following a signal. Supposedly your sister." Skywave perked up at this. She jumped off the berth, running in a small circle. 

"I feel fine. Can whatever you do to get your friends there?" she asked, leering over his shoulder. He puffed and pushed her away.

"Absolutely not. I'm not that lenient if you haven't learned and I don't let patients off until I know they won't fall apart when I'm not looking." He turned to face her as she bounced eagerly and tapped his shoulder plate. "Even with you." 

"I make a personal promise that you will never be finished with me and you will most certainly end up back in Silvo's belly if you don't let me go. You also will have more limbs missing than just an arm that can be replaced," she said, raising her right servo. The mech sighed, then lowered a lever. A portal opened in an opening in the wall.

"I vow that you if you return with even a scratch, or if one of them comes through carrying you, that you will not be allowed out of your quarters for another two Earth years," he said, raising his own servo. She laughed quietly and ran through, emerging into a forest. She heard heavy and light pedsteps ahead. The green wrecker and blue femme were walking side by side through the underbrush.

"At this pace, they'll never be able to catch her," Skywave murmured to herself, turning and skirting the edges of their walking range, deciding she didn't quite want to join their group. She walked forward, staying close by as they had the tracker. Yet something didn't feel right.

"They're going the wrong way," she whispered. She ran back just as the leaves on the trees rustled and Silvo landed in a clearing much to small for her. Trees fell as her tail cleared the space she needed. Starfreeze appeared promptly. 

"Starfreeze!" Skywave called, running into the open. Silvo stepped in front of her mistress, but Starfreeze stepped out and towards her sister. 

"Skywave," she whispered, her voice choked as she ran forward and embraced her sister. "How could you leave me?"

"It's okay," she whispered back. "The darkness is gone." Starfreeze stiffened and pushed her sister back. Her optics softened slightly as she saw her sister's optics. 

"I'm glad," she said after a tense moment of silence. Skywave tilted her helm. 

"Come back with me," she said, grabbing her sister's shoulders. Starfreeze's optics hardened again and she shook her helm. 

"With Optimus, I will never join the Autobots," she said, moving back towards Silvo.

"What makes you think I want to join them?" Skywave protested. "I hate Optimus for what he's done to you! I hate him for driving you away!" She realized Starfreeze was beginning to give out darkness. She stepped forward, but Silvo once more defended her. This time, Starfreeze made no move to stop her dragon. 

"Then why aren't you here with me?" she asked softly. Silvo bared her teeth. The darkness thickened and began to swirl around her and the dragon. 

"Starfreeze, no!" Skywave cried. She moved forward, but it was too late. They both disappeared, leaving her alone in the forest. She dropped to the ground, sobbing. The wrecker and femme raced through the trees, bending down beside her. "Get off me!" she snarled as they put their servos on her. They both quickly withdrew. She became soft and apologetic a moment later. "She's gone! I hate Optimus Prime!" 

"It's okay. He's a good leader," the femme whispered comfortingly. 

"Where's my sister?" she shouted furiously. "Find her! Find her and that's when I'll forgive him! But he'll have to deal with my hatred! He'll have to deal with my fury until she's safe with me!" She collapsed in sobs, the wrecker picking her up and requesting a Ground Bridge. Her sobs softened as the portal opened. She wiped away her tears and looked up at the wrecker, her mouth curving into a small smile. 

"Put me down," she said. "Or I'll be locked in my quarters for another Earth year." The wrecker tilted his helm but obeyed her and she walked through behind them femme. She collected herself. She would find Starfreeze and bring her home. Yes, she matter the cost.

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