Chapter Six

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"We lost Ratchet?" Jack asked. Bulkhead nodded. Just then, Arcee flew through the Ground Bridge, crashing in a heap on the floor. "Arcee!" 

She shuddered then fell still. "What do we do?" Wheeljack asked, lifting her and putting her on a berth. 

"I don't know!" Bulkhead said, looking pleadingly at the humans. They all shrugged, running down the stairs and crowding beside the berth.

"Where's Bumblebee?" Arcee suddenly said, her voice harsh. Wheeljack jumped back. 

"In his berthroom," the wrecker said. "Why?"

"Optimus?" Arcee asked, ignoring the question.

"We don't know. Seriously, are you okay?"

"Called them cowards," Arcee said. 

"Wait, Bumblebee and Optimus?" Raf said. 

"Yes," Arcee sighed. "Revenge is a powerful thing. The Sisters will stop at nothing to destroy those who have hurt them."

"Bulkhead?" Miko said. "Is Bumblebee the apprentice?"

"No," the wrecker said quickly. "Maybe."

"Why would you lie to us?" Jack asked. Bulkhead glanced at Raf then quickly looked away. The human was wearing a hurt and confused expression. 

"Why tell us about Optimus and but Bee?" Raf finally asked.

"We were trying to protect you," Bulkhead said. Raf looked up at the wrecker.

"Why shouldn't I know?" he countered. "He's my guardian."

"That's exactly why," Wheeljack said. "After they couldn't track the Sisters down, Bumblebee and Optimus felt mainly responsible, but since no one except for a few trusted Autobot commanders knew, we decided it would be best if no one knew that Bumblebee had been the apprentice. It put great shame upon him."

"There was nothing to be ashamed of!" Raf said. "He was scared! I would have been too!"

"Autobot warriors were killed because of them!" Bulkhead said. "Would you want to take that responsibility?"

"That makes him seem like a coward; that he wouldn't own up to his mistake," Miko said. 

"He was a brave warrior," Wheeljack said.

"No, he wasn't," Raf said, his voice quiet. "He ran away. I don't think that's what courage looked like. Ratchet told us that they only looked evil; they were still good, still light. But the instant Optimus left, or Bumblebee ran, that light was extinguished. The only reason that they're evil now, that we lost Ratchet and Optimus, that Arcee is lying here, injured and half crazed, is because they were cowards. I've seen Optimus in action. He doesn't back down. But he did. And Bumblebee doesn't run from a challenge. But they did. They both did!" His voice had risen by the end of his rant and he turned around, running out of the room. The wreckers stood there, stunned.

"He's right," Miko said, her eyes narrowed. Without another word, she turned around and took off after her friend. Jack simply looked at them before following. 

"Well?" Wheeljack prompted. Bulkhead blinked. "It's true. They're the reason we're in this mess."

"So you think they're at fault?" Bulkhead asked, though it wasn't really a question. Wheeljack looked back at their patients. Arcee puffed, covering her side. Bumblebee lay still, his optics dark. 

"No, well, I don't know." Wheeljack rubbed a servo down his face plate. "I'm no expert at myths and I usually fly solo and don't have to deal with this. Why did I let doc drag me into this?" 

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