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"Will he need extra care?" a doctor asked, leaning over Rafael's bed. His mother waited anxiously outside as they discussed things. Miko and Jack hugged each other, equally nervous for their friend. He'd only gotten worse, and since the doctors didn't know how to diagnose him and therefore what to treat him with, there was no progress. 

"I don't know," Mrs. Darby said, looking at Raf. "Will that help? We have no idea what this is." 

"Perhaps we should test some medicine used for similar symptoms," a doctor suggested. Mrs. Darby sighed. 

"I don't think that's a very good plan," she finally said. Miko shuddered, Jack soon after. Mrs. Esquivel sniffed from where she was sitting. There were soft footsteps and all three looked up. A woman dressed mostly in black with small purple streaks in her hair stepped up. Suspicion shot through Miko and Jack. It looked awfully like Starfreeze. But this woman's eyes were lighter, many shades of purple. 

"I'm sorry," she said in a gentle voice, tilting her head to the side. "Do I trigger bad memories?" 

"Slightly," Miko said. Jack elbowed her. The woman looked into the room. 

"May I?" she asked. "I think I have an idea." 

Miko and Jack glanced at each other, exchanging questions. If this was Starfreeze, why would she be helping Raf? It couldn't be her. They turned back to the woman. 

"I guess," Miko said. The woman nodded and stepped quietly into the room. The doctors turned to look at her. 

"I have an idea," she said, gesturing with her head at Raf. He groaned softly as if to reply, shifting his own head on the pillow. The black veins were throbbing in his neck, some winding around and up his chin, poking out of the collar of his shirt. 

"You're sure it wouldn't make things worse?" Mrs. Darby checked, her hand on the bed. The woman nodded and the nurse stepped aside. The woman walked forward and put her hands on the side of the bed, her ears picking up the sound of his light and quick breathing. She leaned down beside his own ear. 

"Your senses for health," she whispered so no one else could hear. She touched her hand to his arm, a dark energy passing from her palm into his arm. He tensed, then relaxed as the veins gave one last throb before disappearing. The woman stood and left without another word. The doctors looked after her, then down at Raf, who was now sleeping, his breathing normal now and the color returning to his features. 

Back outside, Miko and Jack stood up, following the woman from a distance. They watched her exit the building and hop into a black car with purple streaks on its doors and hood. It was definitely Starfreeze. "Why would she do that?" Miko whispered to Jack. "It doesn't make sense." 

"None of it does," he replied. "I'm just glad Raf will be back on his feet." 

"Yeah," Miko agreed absently, watching Starfreeze pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Even with the tinted windows, she saw the holoform disappear as she drove away. "Think we can track her?" She looked back to Jack but he was already running back up the stairs. She cast one last glance at the empty road before following. She had a sinking feeling there was some kind of catch to Raf's recovery, but she couldn't figure out what. Perhaps she should just be grateful he was getting better. 

"It'll be fine," Jack assured her as she plopped onto the bench beside him. She nodded, watching the doctors fuss over him. 

"I wish I could believe you," she murmured to herself. "I wish..." 

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