Chapter One

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An explosion of laughter between the four friends and coworkers erupted through the bar as it had done numerous times over the last three hours. The bartender watched with a smile as they clinked their glasses together for the fourth or fifth time; he overhead them say they were celebrating a victory in a court case.

The first hour of their Thursday night celebration was filled with going over the details of the case, how detectives Elliot Stabler and Fin Tutuola managed to catch the wanted perpetrator, question those close to him, and gather enough evidence to build a case against him and nail him to the crime.

The second hour was filled with the details of the trial and how ADA Casey Novak was able to get the perp to crack on the stand and admit in front of the jury that he was guilty, which was a delightful surprise, even though all the evidence would've landed him in jail anyway.

And the third and last hour was filled with celebration, showing the bartender and other bar patrons how well Captain Don Cragen led his close-knit unit to this victory.

The laughter and excitement died down as the clock hit 11:00 PM.

"Well," Casey downed the last of her drink, "I think I'm going to head out," she commented as she stood up from the barstool and put her black pea coat on.

"Yeah, I'm gonna call it a night too," Don stated, placing his half-empty glass of club soda back onto the counter of the bar as he stood up.

"Me too." Fin followed suit, getting up from his barstool and putting on his dark green coat. "I have to be back at the station bright and early to work on the Kenneth case."

Elliot watched as his coworkers and friends gathered their things to depart, but he didn't feel ready to leave.

"I think I'm gonna stay and have one more before I head home," Elliot told his coworkers.

"You gonna stay by yourself?" Casey questioned.

"Yeah," Elliot nodded.

"You sure?" Don questioned. "We don't want to leave you in a bar by yourself."

"Nah." Elliot shook his head. "You guys go; I'll be fine."

"Let the man have another celebratory drink." Fin patted Elliot on the shoulder in support. "He deserves it."

Elliot chuckled humbly as Don and Casey caved and agreed. The three friends said their goodbyes to Elliot then to each other and went their separate ways.

"Another whiskey," Elliot signaled to the bartender as he turned his barstool to the side, observing the crowd – that's when he saw her at the pool table again. She had been catching his eye all night.

Her back curved as she leaned forward holding her pool stick. She carefully placed the tip on the green felt and narrowed her eyes at the scene in front of her. With one swift movement, she jabbed the stick forward. Elliot didn't see if her ball had gone in its intended destination or not; he was too busy watching her face light up with proudness as her smile stretched from ear to ear, which he took as a sign of success.

The opposing player, a tall guy with long blond hair and a leather jacket, took his turn next, as the bartender set the glass full of alcohol in front of Elliot, which he immediately started sipping on.

He watched as the girl took a sip of her drink; he could see her green eyes from across the bar. He watched as her dark red hair fell in front of her shoulders as she leaned over the pool table to take her final turn. Her black fitted top flattered her in all the right places, showing the slightest bit of skin between her shirt and her jeans when she leaned over. He watched as she ignored the not-so-subtle advances from her pitiful blond-haired partner.

Adding Fuel to the Fire: An Elliot Stabler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now