Chapter Twenty

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The precinct was buzzing that fateful morning in June – a mixture of busy detectives racing to solve their cases, phones ringing off the hook, fax machines printing evidence and files, and chatter between victims and officers. There wasn't a soul in the entire building who wasn't preoccupied that day.

That's why it was so easy for David Bardwell to sneak through the glass doors, right past the security guard who was having words with an uncooperative visitor, right up the stairs hidden away from crowds, and right into the special victims unit. No one that passed him paid him any mind because of the serene look on his face, but the emptiness in his eyes showed a soulless evil lurking within him.

His cold, dead eyes scanned the squad room as people whizzed by him, oblivious to his hidden agenda. His belt loop acted as a holster for the deadly metal piece on his hip, concealed by his jacket.

He spotted his target as she stood next to detective Tutuola's desk, discussing something seemingly serious with him. Bardwell's eyes narrowed as he lifted his hand suspiciously to his waist.

Elliot glanced up to call Olivia over to his desk when he spotted Bardwell standing still in the doorway. He noticed his hand moving to his belt, and suddenly time seemed to move very slowly. He realized the man was glaring at his partner, not even blinking, and he knew what would happen next. His heart skipped a beat then began pounding in his chest.

There wasn't enough time for him to grab his gun off of his desk to shoot Bardwell before he could shoot Olivia, so he acted impulsively.

"Liv, get down!" Elliot shouted as Bardwell quickly drew the gun from his side.

Despite not knowing what was going on, Olivia listened to her partner instinctively, always trusting whatever demand he gave to her, and fell to the floor as shots from Bardwell's gun rang throughout the station, startling every person in the building.

Everyone else hit the floor moments later as bullets began flying sporadically in all different directions, but Elliot darted to his partner, knowing she was the intended target. He crouched over her, trying to shield her as best as he could from any bullets, intentional or stray. He knew other officers would begin shooting back soon, and he didn't want her caught in the crossfire either.

All the officers in the room were caught off guard, especially because of the hectic atmosphere in the building that day, which caused nearly everyone to scramble for their misplaced guns, allowing Bardwell to shoot off nearly a full round before being stopped.

The last bullet that left the insane man's handgun pierced Elliot in the back, just as a fellow officer was able to grab his gun and shoot Bardwell in the stomach, sending him to the ground.

Elliot grunted and slouched on top of Olivia. Panic ensued throughout the precinct; the shots were heard by everyone in the building.

"El?" She backed away from him to see why he went limp, but he only slumped over on the ground. "Elliot?!"

People were rushing around, screaming, but Olivia was frozen.

Her eyes widened when she noticed crimson blood seeping from underneath Elliot's body. She choked on her own words, but managed to yell, "Bus! BUS! SOMEONE CALL A BUS!"

Fin obliged accordingly, stunned at the sight he saw in front of him.

Olivia shuffled over to her partner, lying unconscious on the ground, and pressed her fingers to his neck, only able to find a faint, slow, pulse.

"Elliot," she cried as she shrugged off her jacket and pressed it to his leaking wound, applying pressure. "Elliot, stay with me."

The blood continued to accumulate beneath him, only worsening Olivia's fears that she was quickly losing him, and that was something she knew she simply could not handle.

Adding Fuel to the Fire: An Elliot Stabler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now