Chapter Twenty-Four

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Author's Note: Only one more chapter after this :( However I will be posting a new Elliot story soon, so be on the lookout for that one too! Enjoy! &*


"How's Elliot doing?" Grace asked as she sat next to Johanna at a table in Battery Park around noon the next day, eating lunch on their break from work.

"He's doing better," Johanna answered, watching as people passed by. "He was discharged this morning."

Elliot had gone home from the hospital that morning with the help of Olivia, and Johanna was eager to get through her workday so she could rush to his house to see him. She couldn't wait to just hug him and kiss him as much as she wanted, without the risk of being interrupted by a doctor or a nurse.

"Oh, that's great," Grace replied, taking a bite of her salad. "I know you're happy he's home now."

"Yeah," Johanna sighed in agreement. "Very."

And she was. She was so thankful that his life had been spared – that she had more time with him. She would never take that for granted again.

She smiled when she saw an elderly couple walk past her holding hands. They sat at a table across from her and Grace, and she watched as they ate lunch together. They weren't talking much, but neither seemed to mind. They were just enjoying each other's company. And she figured they probably ran out of things to talk about a long time ago.

The old man smiled at his wife sweetly as he offered her a bite of his food. Johanna couldn't help but smile at the interaction between them.

"Isn't that adorable?" Grace rhetorically asked, watching the couple as well.

Johanna wondered if that would be her and Elliot one day. No, deep down, she knew that would be her and Elliot one day. She had a flash of their future, but they wouldn't be eating lunch in Battery Park. No, they would be sitting on the beach in Florida, feeding the birds and soaking up the sun. It made her so happy to think of that impending moment in their lives, she almost couldn't wait. Her heart welled up with emotion at the thought.

She was happy, but she felt sick when she realized that if she wanted that future on the beach with Elliot, she had something important to tell him.

Her face fell, and she stopped eating.

"What's wrong?" Grace asked, noticing her friend's sudden change in state.

Johanna shook her head. "I have to go talk to Elliot."

"Now?" Grace asked.

Johanna nodded as she suddenly stood up, threw her lunch away in a nearby trashcan.

"What about work?" Grace wondered.

"I have no more clients for the day, so just cover for me," Johanna replied as she darted off toward the subway. "Thank you! I owe you!" She called back toward her friend, who sat dumbfounded at the table.

Johanna's feet shuffled against the dirty New York sidewalk as she made her way through dozens of people walking by. She was reeling with nerves, nauseous and out of breath. She stumbled on occasion, not paying attention to her surroundings, and she bumped into people without apologizing and without even really noticing.

It was as if she was a completely different person suddenly. And truth be told, she almost did feel like an entirely different person. She was hit with the unexpected realization that what she was about to confront Elliot with would change their relationship dramatically.

Her heart was beating out of her chest as she hurried down the subway steps. She swiped her MetroCard just as the train was pulling up to load and unload passengers, and she quickly jumped on. The train bumped back and forth down the tracks as it headed toward Queens.

She prayed she wouldn't vomit in front of everyone on the subway, but she felt as if she might. She had been harboring a secret that she was about to expose. A secret that would change her life, Elliot's life, and their life together. And she couldn't just take it lightly or treat it as if it were no big deal.

She was shaking as she exited the train, hurrying past blocks and turns until she arrived on the intended street. She glanced ahead in her path to see Elliot's house.

Her legs felt like Jell-O as she quickly scurried toward his house. She waltzed up the steps of his house, took a deep breath, and held up her fist to knock on his door.

But suddenly she froze. She couldn't do it.

She backed away from the door and started pacing back and forth across his porch, mumbling to herself.

"You can do this," she muttered. "Come on, Johanna, get it together. He deserves to know the truth. You have to tell him."

But she couldn't do it. She was too scared.

She nearly jumped out of her pants when Elliot's front door opened, causing her to stop dead in her tracks as he stood in the doorway wearing only sweatpants. His bare torso was only adorned by medical dressing that covered his surgical and gunshot wounds. It made her knees weaker than they already were

"Jo? Did you knock or ring the doorbell?" He asked, confused.

Johanna shook her head furiously as she bent forward, resting her palms on her knees to steady herself. She was breathing heavily, nearly heaving.

"Babe? Are you okay?" He questioned, growing more confused by the second.

She nodded her head in response, still unable to breathe.

"What are you doing out here?" He wondered.

Suddenly, she stood up and grabbed his face kissing him deeply and passionately. Elliot could hardly react; he was so stunned and still so terribly confused.

She broke away, staring deep into his eyes.

"I love you," Johanna blurted. "I love you, Elliot."

Adding Fuel to the Fire: An Elliot Stabler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now