Chapter 15

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Just as the group thought that everything would be fine with Bakugo and the League of Villains, the building exploded revealing a man that emanated death itself. All the five of them could do was stand helpless and frozen as he levitated above them.

His voice was calm as he spoke to the injured but still determined number four hero, Best Jeanist. He didn't even seem flustered by the chaos surrounding him; the destroyed buildings and unconscious bodies of Pros like Mount Lady, Tiger, and Gang Orca.

The villain made quick work of Best Jeanist next, hitting him hard in the gut with some type of quirk, blood spewing from the newly opened wound. It made is so much worse that he'd done it by just raising his finger.

For all Midoriya and his friends knew, the four pros and all the surrounding people were now dead and they were likely next. They stood in a row, sweating and near tears with fear, unable to move as they watched the personification of evil and death examine the carnage.

But then Bakugo's choking breathing met their ears, and Midoriya immediately started trying to figure out what to do. He told himself that being scared wasn't an excuse, but his mind wouldn't cooperate.

Izuku could feel Todoroki trembling beside him, his usually steady hand shaking against his. It seemed like he was the only one who had been able to overcome their fear enough to move yet, so he twisted. All at once, Iida partially snapped out of his stupor, reaching over Todoroki to grab him.

Midoriya could see the panic on his comrades faces, their unbridled terror making him even more unnerved. Only he was able to calm down enough to think after All Might showed up, though his plan took a while to come into his head.

"We can still get Kacchan back!" he explained, urging his group to listen to him. Iida and the rest of them knew they couldn't fight; even if they had their licenses they'd be nothing but dead weight in a battle with this caliber of villain.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya, taking in the determination and hope that had sprung up on his face even after they'd experienced such a terrible shock from what they'd seen. He was still pale and near fainting with fear, but he would always trust the mossy-haired teen. "Tell us your plan."

"Well, the thing is. It depends entirely on Kacchan..." Midoriya admitted, looking at his hands worriedly. He explained his worry to the group before turning to the redhead with deadly seriousness. "So, Kirishima, you're the key to this being a success."

Eijiro's eyes were wide, understanding just how high of a chance they had of failure. Bakugo was prideful to the very core and he might very well ignore their one chance of helping him if he felt like they were pitying him.

As Todoroki asked Midoriya for details, Kirishima thought about just how badly he'd beat Katsuki himself if the teen refused to grab his hand. If Bakugo didn't do it for him, then he wouldn't do it for anyone. He hardened himself more than he ever had before, determined to be an unbreakable bulldozer.

Shoto, in turn, took a deep breath as Iida and Midoriya grabbed onto Eijiro. The plan seemed perfect, but he knew it was still a huge gamble. If Bakugo didn't grab on it was all for nothing, but even worse, the Master Villain was incredibly dangerous and had taken down four pros without trying.

It wasn't hard to imagine him blowing them straight out of the sky before they could get away safely or figure out that the ice ramp he was going to make came from where he and Momo were hanging back. But Izuku looked back at him, giving his determined wobbly smile and he knew there was nothing he could say to change his mind.

All he could do was make the biggest ice ramp his body could possibly create and hope for the best. Without wasting any more time, they launched their plan.

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