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"If you kidnapped her I don't wanna be an accessory to your crime." Zion said with a straight face as I realized he hadn't been making a joke. I nervously chuckled in response watching the girl sleep on the wide couch as her thighs hugged each other and her arms acted as a pillow.

"N-no she...saved my life." I admitted stuttering because I couldn't get the words out as Zion looked at me and the girl in confusion.

"Saved your life from what?" He asked sounding like even if he had answer he wouldn't believe it but I told him anyways because it was either that or he'd see me as a felon.

"Someone shot a rocket and... I-it came back down but it wasn't scheduled to come back yet." I said fixing the position of glasses on my face as I looked at Zion again, "It crashed the entire building. Everyone was making their way out and I was behind..I went to escape but the ceiling fell on me. I-I don't know how but that lady just came and she saved me." I admitted as Zions face was filled was guilt and sadness before confusion returned.

"So why bring her here?" He asked in a tone that sounded more rude then he might have hoped.

"I don't... I don't know... I thought maybe you could help." I said as he looked at me like I was an alien.

"With what? Why didn't u take her to the hospital?" He asked as I felt guilty. I fixed my hair and looked back at the girl. "I've never seen her before.. in the building... she didn't have any identification on her-" I began but Zion cut me off short.

"So she could be a criminal?" He shouted loudly as his eyes widened and his eye brows met. I thought about it for a moment but even criminals have some sort of ID even if it's fake.

"If she was would she save me!?"I asked as Zion flailed his arms in the air before roughly dropping them by his sides.

"Maybe she wanted to rob a bank with you?!" Zion practically yelled as Austin, Edwin and Nick made their way into the room.

"Ok... either I'm mad high or there's a girl knocked out on the couch and Brandon's here." Edwin said looking at the three people in confusion.

"No you're not high. And they were just leaving." Zion said as he looked back at me.

"C'mon don't do this!" I begged, "I need you." I pleaded as Zions expression stayed the same.

"Dude. He said no. We needed you when you pulled a Zayn on us. We needed you when we needed another member for going on tour. And we needed you when our band was canceled." Nick said sternly as Zion stood there knowing what Nick was saying was true but he thought back on what happened earlier.

"Yooouuuuu-ooohhhhh neeeeeeeeeeeeed-eeed me." Austin sang under his breath as everyone stared at him, "it's a catchy song." Austin shrugged as they rolled their eyes.

Suddenly the girl moved back and forth on the couch while gathering herself and sitting up. "What's happening?" She asked as I sat next to her.

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked her slowly as she touched her head and didn't answer.

"Yea she's gonna ask you to rob Citi bank, I think she remembers." Zion said sarcastically as he folded his arms. Brandon gave him a scolding look.

𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚, 𝐛.𝐚Where stories live. Discover now