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it's been two days since we "adopted" Nova as Zion likes to call it. Two days since I'd really gotten any more than an hour of sleep. Two days since I'd really eaten anything. I've been questioning every part of life and other forms of existence that's out there since I was five years old.

And here it is, just showing up in my lap.

It's been hard to believe at all. That this is the life for me. But why me? Out of all the people in this universe, why me?

For two days I continued to ask myself that and never got an answer...


Everything about this planet is... strange. These people who call themselves "humans" are very mixed up. They say confusing things I do not understand.

Like the other day Zion said he would give me a high five and then did not. I did not know what this "high five" was but it was promised and I didn't receive it.

And then I asked Brandon a simple term on this planet "are you ok?" and he said "I'm fine". But he was not fine and he looked like everything but fine.

Maybe I could make him happy...

People on my planet loved to be happy with songs. I could sing him one of mine from my home planet.

I walked up the stairs holding on to the railing and pressed my back against the walls as I put a foot in front of me and slid up. Edwin was at the top as he looked at me in confusion.

"What are you doing?" He asked me as if it were not obvious to what I was doing.

"Going up the stairs." I replied as he laughed at me and I laughed with him not knowing what was funny.

"That's not how you do it.." he said still laughing at something.

"But I watched an old women do it like that on the box." I explained remembering the commercial that said "life alert" with the wrinklier human and she was going up the stairs like me.

"What women... what box... what?" Edwin asked me as his eyebrows touched each other. He studied me in thought before his face sprung into action, "The TV!" He exclaimed as I nodded.


He reached for my hand, motioning for me to let go of the railing as I stood up straight. Then he walked away from my up the stairs in a different way. I gaped at the realization as I walked just like him.

Following his movements I held onto the rail with my right hand and put one foot in front of the other as my legs grew tired. "Thank you!" I said smiling at him happily as he replied matching my mood as he said, "No problem." with a smile.

I headed down the hallway to Brandon's room, "Uhm I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Nick told me as he walked down the hall.

"But you're not me?" I said confused as he stood there letting out a long breath, "I'm an alien and you're a human-"

"Yea... I'm aware." He said as he walked away seeming angry about something.

𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚, 𝐛.𝐚Where stories live. Discover now