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                           JEONGGUK WAS TRYING to roll a joint in the backseat of taehyung's car, but it was almost impossible with how much the car was moving. raesun noticed how his tongue poked at the inside of his cheek and his brows furrowed with concentration, smiling at the sight, but then kicked the driving seat, "can you slow down a bit?"

taehyung scoffed, "oh sure, let's just be late shall we—?"

"talk like that to her again and i'll kill you myself," jeongguk growled, staring intently at the tanned male in the rear view mirror.

taehyung simply rolled his eyes, "your girlfriend said something along those lines. what's up with you two and wanting to kill everyone?" a tut left his plump lips and raesun chuckled, knowing her boyfriend didn't take kindly to back chat.

"well i'm not nice like her," fully sitting up in his seat, he started to light the joint (not even bothering to ask if it was okay to smoke in the car), "i wouldn't even waste a bullet on you."

taehyung peered at him with a raised brow before turning back to the road, chuckling to himself, "try as hard as you want to scare me jeon. at the end of the day, i know i'm the good person here."

i'm the good person here.

how ironic.

"good people aren't drug dealers you idiot," raesun laughed and took the joint jeongguk offered her, blowing the smoke forward with no care for taehyung at all. she knew it irritated him and, since he had been annoying her for days on end, it only made her laugh harder.

"raesun, you're f—" before the cuss could slip past his lips, he cleared his throat and adjusted his tone, "you're drug dealing with me. you're no better. and we all know your boyfriend here hasn't got a squeaky–clean record either."

"we never said we were good people," she pointed out, "and this wasn't exactly my idea or plan."

"then don't do it. go back to hoseok and tell him. i wouldn't mind the extra money, but hoseok will kill me if i don't put forward my part of the deal," the smugness in his voice was loud and clear, the two lovers on the backseats snarling with distaste, "have my blood on your hands if you'd like."

"i'm not an evil person either taehyung," raesun had sat forward after passing the joint back to an amused jeongguk, the words spitting from a fiery tongue, "you did me a favour; i'm grateful for that believe it or not. i'm repaying that favour and then afterwards, if you bother me again and try getting all smart, i'll keep to my word. and you can count on that, asshole."

a tattooed hand rubbed her thigh out of pride, a chuckle resonating in her ear as she leaned back, "that's my girl."

raesun smiled in gratitude as the honey boy next to her practically showered her in praise for standing up for herself, soft kisses placed on her cheek. he took a few hits on the joint before handing it her again, smirking down at her.

"ignore everything i've said before," taehyung spoke through gritted teeth, "you two deserve to rot in hell together."

he parked the car, grabbed the duffle bag of coke, and exited the vehicle. obviously he was pissed, but the pair didn't care less, giggling to themselves as they followed suit.

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