A Shade of Purple

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                                                         A Shade of Purple
                                                         Perspective: None

Melissa started cooking dinner for the family, she chopped up some carrots, added a few peas, splattered on some mash potatoes, and to top it all off was her number one specialty: a lamb roast. Chris and Elizabeth played with some toys on the ground and talked about their new favourite show.

"So Chris, who's your favourite character?" Elizabeth asked.

"I think I like Fredbear" Chris said.

"Well mine is Mangle, she's so pretty and so cute" She exciting said.

"Yeah Mangles nice, but a bit scary. She has sharp teeth and she seems to yell a lot" Chris sighed, tightly squeezing his plush bear.

"Yeah but she's still really cool, like she has a parrot on her shoulder that TALKS!! And she can make animal noises like: cow moos, dog barks, cat meows" Elizabeth kept going on and on until her mother called.

"Hey could you two go upstairs and get ready for dinner" Melissa said.

"Okay mum!" The two said running upstairs.

Melissa sliced off pieces of the roast and picked them with a fork and placed them on the kids plates. She reached over for the carrots and started chopping them up. Once she finished preparing the dinner Melissa called the kids down, Elizabeth ran down first and behind her was her little brother Chris.

"What are we having mum?" Elizabeth asked.

"We are having carrots, peas, mashed potatoes and a lamb roast" Melissa replied.

"Yum!" Elizabeth excitedly jumped.

"Now why don't you two sit down at the table and I'll bring you your dinner soon"

"Okay mum" The two siblings said running over to the table.
Melissa looked confused when she looked at the two

"Hey, where's Michael?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know" Elizabeth shrugged.

"I saw him go out" Chris said.

"Go out where?" Melissa asked.

"Just outside" He sighed.
Melissa frowned at this and decided to ring Michael on her phone. He didn't pick. Melissa rang again, still didn't pick up. She was getting frustrated and worried.
Elizabeth and Chris looked at each other then back to their distressed mother.

"Maybe he just went for a walk" Elizabeth said trying to calm her mother down.

"But he wouldn't be out so late, it's 6 o'clock already!" Melissa cried. "Oh my poor little Mikey, he's probably cold and scared"
Suddenly the front door opened and Michael walked in. Melissa ran over to Michael and hugged in tight,
"Oh where have you been" She cried. "I was sooo worried about you!"
Michael tried to pull away from the hug but his mother pulled him in, almost strangling him.
"M-mum I'm fine, I'm here now aren't I?" Michael choked. Melissa pulled away from the hug and looked at her son, almost at eye level.

"Don't EVER do that again Michael!" She yelled. "Now go get ready for dinner, and tell you father to come down to"
Michael shrugged and walked upstairs, he dropped his bag down in his room and closed his door behind him. He heard the shower running so he thought his father is in there, he knocked on the door.

"Hey dad! Dinner ready!" Michael called. He then walked downstairs and sat and the table on the other side of his siblings. The three started talking while Melissa was  preparing her's and William's dinner.

After stepping out of the shower, William grabbed a towel on the rack opposite side to the shower and rapped it around his waist. He grabbed another towel and put it around his hair,
Once he was fully dressed William opened the door and walked downstairs and saw everyone at the table eating. He still had a towel around his hair that was still wet.

"About time William" Melissa scoffed.

"Is your skin more wrinkly old man" Michael teased.
Elizabeth started giggling and so did Chris.

"Yeah, Yeah. Make as much fun of me as you want, I don't care" William fake smiled. "At least I look much better than all of you" William said while taking the towel off of his head. As he did the others mouths dropped. William's hair was PURPLE!? He's dyed it PURPLE?!?

"Eh, William...is your hair purple?" Melissa frowned.

"Yep" William smiled. The kids were shocked. They just stared. "So kids, what do you think?" William said sitting down at the table.
The three siblings stared with their mouths wide open. "I'll take that you're amazed"

"S-So you really dyed your hair purple dad!?" Elizabeth yelled.

"Yes" William replied.

"Dad you look SOOO COOL!" Michael called.

"Thank you" William smiled. "And not only is my hair purple" William said walking over to the laundry. "My uniform is now purple" William said holding out his work uniform. "I wonder who's fault that is" William scoffed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry William" Melissa said. "I wasn't thinking straight when I put them in the washing machine"

"Mmhmm" William looked at her sternly before showing a smile. "Hey it's okay, at least it matches"

"What's your boss gonna say daddy?" Chris asked.

"Oh Henry?...I don't what he's gonna say" William said loosing his smile.

"He'll probably call you a grape" Michael snickered.

"Ha ha" William sarcastically said.


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