I am a ghost

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                       Jonathan Pov
What? As i freaked out i can't be dead i don't understand this why is this happening to me? As Abby interrupts me sayin" calm down Jon i.. i...i am so sorry i had to tell you. I looked at her and fade through the walls i can hear Abby calling me i just went to my serect hiding places.
                     Abby pov
Realizing that i told Jonathan that he is a ghost thinking that i was helping but probably made it all worse. I went upstairs into the hallway i can see a light coming from my bedroom i entered the bedroom and noticed it was my closet i said" who's there? No response i said "Jonathan is that you? As i heard his cries in my closet i open the door the light was on then i see Jonathan sitting down crying i entered the closet and sat in front of him. I said to him "Jonathan i am really sorry i thought that it was best for you to know. As he moves his long hair from his face he looks up at me and says" no its not your fault its just i don't remember anything or what happened to me? I told him" Jonathan i think can help you? He says" you can? Why would you want to help me? I am a freaking ghost Abby nobody will love me & care about me like this. I told him " Hey stop sayin that look you are a ghost but it doesn't mean i can't or won't help you i want to help you don't you know and understand how your death impact others lives. How you mean the world to people like your fans & parents? Everyone miss u Jonathan and i miss u too as a tear falls down my face. He sees my tears and tries to touch my face to wipe it off but his hands goes through my face. He gets angry and gets up and says" I can't be like this! I can't spend my time being in this house and i can't do anything! I just want to feel your face and hug you to make you feel safe as tears falls down his face he leaves. I say " Jonathan! Wait! But i can't feel his presence and his nowhere to be found i decided to write me a new story with a better headline calling it the Ghost Boy: The Jonathan Brandis story as i got finished i get a text from Star sayin" Are you alright? I response to her and said" yes i am okay i am just editing my story. As i looked at my story i felt like deleting it because how my boss could use this story to affect. Jonathan's fans & parents. So i decided to keep the story in my saved file then remake me another story as i finished the story. I kept thinking about what Jonathan said" i just didn't know what to say to him i don't know what its like to be in the same position as him. But to me it seems to be lonely & not loved, lost, confused,scared and mostly feeling forgotten as i begin to cry i got up to my bed and cried myself to sleep. My mouse fell on my keyboard and made a mistake clicking on both stories on my desktop to print both.



                   The Next Day

                      Abby Pov

I wake up from my alarm clocked then i realized i am late from work i quicky took a shower and got dress then i grabbed a bagel to eat for breakfast then i notices i already print out my story of Mystery Accidents In Bahamas i grabbed stakes of papers from my printer and stable them together. Then i drove to work and enter the building and unlocked my office door then i see my boss walking through the hallway towards my office. He enters the room and says" You're late! i said " i am sorry sir it was traffic he interrupts and says" no excuse where's my story? I hand him the story he scams the whole story and says" that's what i am talking about as he is very excited. I said " you like it? He says" like? I love it as he gives me a hi-five and says" well done Abby and tells me you free to go as he walks out being very happy.
I just can't believe he is finally accepting my work and respecting it as i have the day off i just decided to go home and clean my house & unpack some boxes that i didn't unpack yet.  Then i felt Jonathan's presence i looked over my shoulder and see Jonathan standing by the window. He says" i am sorry that i took off i just needed some time alone to gather my thoughts. I told him " Jonathan i understand and i am sorry that this had to happened to you i really am. He says" i just don't understand this i just want to do what everyone do they get to play outside at the park and get to play in the rain and get to taste the snow as it falls down on to your tongue and it melts. I will never get that moment again. I just say to Jonathan" i am sorry Jonathan as i didn't know what to say to him. My Mind is telling me that he will be fine but my heart is telling me to just hug him so much and tell him that he isn't alone that i am here for him but i can't even touch him i just want to let him know that everything is gonna be okay but its not because he lost everything and he regrets that he is dead. I can see it in his eyes how much he wish that he can take it all back. I told Jonathan" let me help you? I will always be here for you and you're not alone you got me. As he looks at me and starts to feel better he says" thanks Abby it means alot to me that you want to help me as he smiles at me. I told him that we should get to know eachother to understand eachother better he says" you're right we should , so i sat in the living room and we talk about what do he remember when he was alive. And what was my favorite movies that he made as we talk and talk then sun went down it was late i told him " we should watch the movie It, he says okay i put the movie and as we are watching the movie i started to feel scared of the clown.Jonathan feels my emotion so he sat right next to me saying "its okay i am right here i am never gonna let anything hurt you as he seems overprotective over me. I fall asleep during the movie.

                     Jonathan pov

As i notices Abby has falling asleep i couldn't notices how beautiful she is how she made me feel not alone and that i still feel loved by begin in her presence. I just can't take my eyes off her i just feel like she is very important to me. I feel like I AM FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER.

The Ghost Boy A Jonathan Brandis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now