Dear Mom & Dad,

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Abby POV
Woken up from a knock at my door i had gotten up from my living room couch and asked " who is it? While looking through my eye hole through my front door. The person says" its me abby as i see Star on my porch
I unlocked my door and she comes in the apartment and says" have you seen my messages? She asked me i said " no , what messages? She says " i just texted yesterday night and call you what's going on? Haven't you heard the phone ring? I said" no i'm so sorry Star i must of have overslept as i checked my iphone messeges.

Star i don't see a text from you nowhere as Star says "what do you mean? I have text you as she shows me her messages.

As i looked so confused and asked her what was the messages? She says" i know who the mystery guy is he's a fan of Jonathan's and he's address is 9951 Marcus ave she tells me and says that "i should looked through my contacts while looking through my contacts i realized maybe Jonathan must have seen the text my heart began to drop star notices something with me she asked me" what's wrong are you okay? Breathe okay. I sat down in told her that i been spending time Jonathan and we been bonding & we been getting to close to eachother lately. Star says " And? I say that "while we was spending time together some guy broke into my apartment. Star says " what!? What are you talking about? I told her everything about the break in & me & Jonathan connection she was so upset & couldn't believe why i didn't told her about everything.

Star says" how could you keep this from me?! I am your sister like i don't get you sometimes Abby! I'm the only one that is trying to protect you! This is unbelievable!
I told star " i'm sorry star i just wasn't thinking straight i just been focusing on Jonathan. I had forgot about telling you it i kinda got distracted". Star says" you're always distracted! This isn't the first time you kept things from me like your eating disorder when we was in high school you would pretend that you were fine and would carry your lunch tray to make it seem like you were eating but all along you throw it way in the restroom! How can this or anything can be fine?! When you always shut me out i can't help you if you won't let me! I say" things has changed star i'm NOT that same girl no more! Things has been so different sense i first lay my eyes on Jonathan i feel NOT alone anymore or feel emptiness. I feel free for the first time of my life i finally can feel save around him i never felt this way about anyone before! Star says" i understand you , but you know that soon when all of this over you both are gonna have to say goodbye its just the way the world is". I just didn't want to hear what star has said to me about saying goodbye to Jonathan i just don't want to let him go i probably will never i love him too much to let him go." I told star that we need to Find Jonathan before he does something that he's gonna regret doing later we don't want him to turn in to a cruel spirit. We both left out the door as i locked my front door & put the alarm pin in. Then we drove off to the location to the mystery guy.

5 Mins Later

Abby POV
As star parked the car we both walked up to the house we looked through the windows but unfortunately it was blocked off like someone has isolated themselves in the house. Star says " i will go first to see if anything is clear. Star go in to the front door and sees glass & plates scattered everywhere and holes on walls & cabinets are all wide open she signal me to enter i walked in & i can hear Jonathan voice in another room i can even sense him i run towards the room while calling Jonathan & the door slam shut like he lock the door on me. Me & Star kept banging on the door i yell at Jonathan sayin " Jonathan you don't have to do this! Please don't hurt the man Jonathan! The man is shouting saying " help me! Jonathan says to me"Everything is his fault! He came into our home & he took something from me! He deserves to die! I shout at him sayin " Jonathan don't do this! I know you just trying to protect me but we can call the police on him okay we can handle this in a different way! I am here i'm okay i never left Jonathan "as tears came down my eyes i told him " i can't lose you Jonathan if you do this you will turn into angry cruel spirit and you will be unhappy and i will never see you again, Jonathan please for me! Jonathan says " why not?! This is all my fault i came into your life & i ruined it and now you don't even feel safe with me! I said" that's not true Jonathan i feel so safe with you ok you're the best thing that ever happened to me in my life please don't be selfish & take that away from me! Jonathan opens the door i can see him standing there with tears on his face star runs towards the man & sit him up before we call the police we wanted answers from him. I asked him" who are you?! What did you took from Jonathan? How do you know Danielle? Who are you to Him? The man says"A friend. We kept asking him the same few questions but he still didn't answer the questions. Jonathan was waiting in the living room i just thought to myself that he needs some space. Star says to the man " Answer the questions! The man says" Michael i am a friend of Jonathan's i looked at Jonathan and asked him " do you know this guy? Do you remember him? He says" no i don't it really doesn't matter okay as he says it in a salty tone i said " what's your problem? He says " can we talk about this later? I said " fine later i walked off to the man while Star calls the police sense this guy doesn't know anything. While sitting down the man says something" HE WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU! i said " what? Before i could get any questions Star says" they are on their way. Before the police comes we took Jonathan Boxes of pictures & kept the pictures of me and my apartment on the wall for the cops to see. Then we left the man in the house tied up.

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