Tell Me Why

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August 16th, 1960
        The Beatles.
        A new name meant some things. It meant things were getting serious for the band, it also meant people coming and people going. Paul and John stuck. Like the foundation of a legacy that was soon to become. It was George who came and with him Pete and Stuart. The Beatles embarked on the next step in their journey: Hamburg, Germany.
It was Tuesday evening when they left in the managers ugly green van to London to pick up their interpreter.
"There aren't even seats in here"

"Shut up George"

"I'm not bloody shutting up. I'm sitting on a bloody amplifier"

Paul laughed at George and John's quarrel while their manager told them to pipe down.
When the party reached Harwich, they got onto a boat to Holland. They then landed in the Netherlands with a drive to go.
"We're going the wrong way." George complained.

John was tired of hearing him speak.

"Oh you know that for sure? My apologies I hadn't realized you'd been to the Netherlands before. George here frequents Holland every few months for the-"

"If you two don't stop whining I'm going to stop this car"

"Wait! Look!" Paul exclaimed pointing out the window.

Outside was a field covered in white crosses. The sign read Arnhem War Memorial.
"Let's stop!"

"We're not stopping anywhere"

"C'mon John you're not gonna stop. What are you a monster? It's a bloody war memorial!"

Paul saying this to him changed his tone.

"Yeah ok, we can stop."

"Great. Thank you. Now George, are you sure you're going to be ok? There's a lot of walking ahead are you going to be up for it?"

"Paul, I'm going to kill you in your sleep."

"Excellent. Making yourself useful for once huh? Alright lads let's roll"

Stepping outside, their gazes rested on what were the thousands of graves of soldiers inducing their silence. Like a procession the boys walked around the field staring graciously at the crosses they passed. Paul moved next to George as they stopped in front of an unmarked grave.


"I'm sorry about John, well, and myself. He doesn't mean it personally when he talks to you like that it's just he's older than you so he thinks he's all high and mighty."

George chuckles.

"Don't worry bout it mate. I know he's just like that."

Pete who had stayed quiet the whole trip had stopped and sat down on the grass with a solemn look on his face.

"Hey lets head to the city, maybe get something to eat."

They all murmured agreement to John and piled into the van.
The city of Arnhem wasn't very busy. Certainly brighter and warmer than Liverpool. It was a nice change. Shops and houses laced the streets where the Beatles took a stroll. Stepping inside a music shop the smell of dust greeted them as well as a woman at the cashier.
"Check it out Paul." John said motioning to a gold harmonica.

"It's nice. Can you play?"

"Depends on who you ask."

George moved towards Stuart talking to him about one of the guitars on the wall.
"We're getting along nicely don't you think" proposed Paul, turning his head to John and then gazing over at George and Stu, then Pete in the back of the store.

"I guess, I mean we still got a way to go. I think we could really be something."


        The band had grown tired and found a diner to grab lunch. The five of them were crowded into a single booth and talking to pass the time during their unexpected detour. John and Paul started laughing about something on their side of the table.
"What are you lot giggling about!"

John turned around and pulled out the gold harmonica from the music shop. George was reminded how none of them went near the register.
"You stole it!? Are you crazy? We're gonna get arrested before we even get to Hamburg."

"Calm down George, it's just for fun! God knows we need some."

At the end of the meal, the band set off to Hamburg, where their hopeful rise to fame continued.

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