Tomorrow Never Knows

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August 17th, 1962
        Stuart's death was a surprise. He was young and no possible ailment of his was known. Not to him, and not to the others. His death however, triggered change in the Beatles. Pete Best was fired, not out of hard feelings, but in the best interest of the band. Instead, they brought in Ringo Starr, a nice fellow and an even better drummer. Ringo used to play in the same line up as the band when they were still the Quarrymen so it was nice to see a familiar face.
The band was scheduled to have their first televised performance at the Cavern Club, a big step for any performer in the day. It was around lunchtime at the time of the performance and the camera equipment was primitive of course, but nonetheless, it was a big deal. Many people were surprised by Ringo's presence, a lot making their discontent known by shouting Pete Best's name.
"You heard them out there. They want Pete!"

"Pete couldn't play the drums to save his life Ringo."

This of course was not a comfort to Ringo but was reminded by the boys in the band that he was, in fact, a superior drummer, and that people will always be upset about something.


Back in Liverpool, it had started to rain. Paul and John ran from the bus stop to Paul's flat with jackets over their heads laughing like they were still teenagers. Paul opened his door after the key kept slipping, and they tumbled into the apartment soaked to the bone. Paul laid on the bed while John rummaged around Paul's kitchen, which he was quite familiar with, and poured two glasses of scotch.
"Cheers!" he said handing Paul the drink.

After a glass or two John laid down on the bed next to him. They both sat up a bit Paul propping himself up on his elbows and placing the scotch glass on the nightstand. Both of them too lazy to change out their wet clothes.


"Do you ever think about it? Y'know. Us being famous?"

"What? Like we won't be?"

"No. Like we will but it'll be too much. Like we won't be able to have our own lives, everyone will be watching." Paul said inching closer to John.

"You're worried?"

"A little."

"Of what? What would they find out?"

Paul just looked at him and laughed.

"I don't think I have to tell you."

"I think you might. I have no idea what you're talking about." John provoked, moving his hand to Paul's chest then to his face.

"You're awful" Paul said pulling him in for a kiss.

"I know."

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