All You Need is Love

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September 4th, 1962
The band, like many aspiring musicians, needed to make their break in the industry. A debut single, and soon even album, would do just the thing. With their new manager they had planned to travel to Abbey Road studios, and finally get together what they've been putting on paper for years. They flew in from Liverpool, and stayed in a hotel in Chelsea, right near the Abbey Road Studios.
It wasn't too shabby, the hotel that Brian had put them up in. They wouldn't be in it long anyway, hopefully they'd be done and out ready to release music to the masses. They showed up at the studio around midday, went through a few hours of rehearsal, and as per George Martin, their producer's approval, were ready to record.
"Run, Please, Please Me for us will you." George Martin instructed the band, pacing around the stage, looking down with his hand on his chin.

They started to play. Slow, blusey tunes drowned the studio followed by the occasional rhythm from Ringo's drums.
It's so hard to reason with you, whoa yeah, why do you make me blue?
"No no no." George Martin waved his hand, stopping the music.

"It's not right, I-It's too dreary, try it different. Lighten it up a bit."
Paul and John looked at each other.

"Whatever you say sir."

Bringing up the key and tempo, the band started again, smiling at George Martin's now pleased face.
"Now that's what I like to hear. You learn to take notes like that you're gonna go places."

By the end, around 6pm, George Martin went to take the boys out to dinner at some restaurant he knew on Marylebone High Street. He told them stories about artists he's worked with, pulled out a record, and placed it on the table.
"Barry Mason and Dave Clark Five recorded this earlier this year, its called How Do You Do It. I think it'd make a great debut."

John piped up, "I mean, I guess we could give it a listen."

Back at the hotel, John set up a record player and put the disc in. Paul sat on the ground, Ringo next to him, and George on a chair just opposite, all listening intently. John was seated on the bed tapping his foot.
"I hate it."

"Give it a second Ringo."

After a minute John got up and turned it off. "Yeah it sucks."

"What do we tell him?" said Ringo worryingly.

"Just that it's not our style, y'know, that we don't want to debut with someone else's song. The truth."
"Paul's got a point laddies. I'm sure Brian will understand." John commented picking up the phone to call him up. Brian was content with their decision. After all, they were the talent.


Paul lit a cigarette and draped his arms over the hotel balcony overlooking the busy streets and night sky. Soon John popped out and stood by him.
"You don't smoke much do you Paul?"

"Not really no. It's you that's the smoker, probably your influence."

John laughed and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek but Paul turned away.

"What's the matter? No one can see."

"You don't know that." Paul took a puff and looked at the ground.

"Hey, it's ok. We can go inside."

"Thank you." Paul nodded, twisting the end of the cigarette against the balcony railing and walking back in.

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