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trigger warning: panic attacks

"hey loki! wait up!" peter called from down the hall. they were planning on staying after school to join the the creative writing club. peter parker was the only person loki tolerated, though his brother came a close second. he had his moments.

loki kept walking not turning around to face him. he kept his head down, his wavy hair covering the side of his face.
peter started jogging down the hall and he stopped in front of him. he placed his hands on loki's shoulders.

"dude really wait i thought we — woah"

loki looked up at peter with a split lip, and a deep cut across his cheek. he hugs himself slightly and looks back down.

"they took my journal."

loki has tears threatening to spill if he blinked. and peter stood there in shock.

"w-wait who? why? what happened? where were you? ...loki.."his voice softened. "are you okay?"

tears are streaming down loki's face at this point and he has his arms wrapped around his body, his breathing picking up pace. he darts around peter and down the stairs to the boys bathroom. peter of course followed him and ran inside. peter stopped at the bathroom door.

'okay peter no one is here right now. you will be fine' he has to tell himself. he takes a deep breath before pushing the door open and bursting in.

short breaths are coming from the stall at the very end and there are pacing footsteps.

peter understands what's happening right now, and he knows what loki's ticks are. he had panic attacks sometimes and peter has been around long enough to know what to do when he has one.

loki is still hyperventilating just pressing his back against the wall, hugging himself. his chest is getting tighter and hecantbreathehelp.

peter stands on the other side of the stall door.

"hey you're okay buddy, everything is going to be okay." he says softly.
he stays next to the stall.

calmdown there'snothingto panicabout.

"you need some water bud?" peter happened to not drink his water today so he offered it to loki who probably should have some around now, even if he didn't want it.

loki catches his breath and walks out of the stall. peter is on the outside with a plastic water bottle at hand.

"u-um yeah i guess so"
he says with a quiet raspy voice. he takes the bottle with shaky hands.

every time he had a panic attack in front of people it usually just makes him feel so useless and weak. he just feels guilty peter even has to be around him, though in reality peter doesn't mind.

"i'm sorry" he says quietly.

"i'm here for you, you never need to apologize."

loki looks at peter for a minute. he walks over and hugs peter slightly unexpectedly, but peter hugs back awkwardly because of the height difference.
"thank you" loki says and pulls away.

"of course" peter picks up his backpack and slings it over his shoulder. "you wanna talk about it?" he tentatively asks loki.

"n-not yet... can we text about it later?"

"yeah sure"

"well we should probably get going. we'll go to writing next time i guess"

loki huffs. "okay .." he was really looking forward to that. he loved writing and reading. he wrote all the time, to calm himself down, to express himself, to create other universes to live in, and that's what his journal was for.
until they took it right out of his backpack.
while they beat him up.


the two walked out the door and went their separate ways since peter lived on the east side of town and loki lived on the west side of town.

loki walked a a quick pace down the sidewalk on the way to his house hoping that none of the kids from earlier had a similar route.

he heard footsteps from behind him sof he started to walk a little faster.

"loki it's just me thor" he shouts from behind him.

loki turns around and scouls at him.

"what do you want" he snarls.
"nothing just saying hi" thor replies.

"what did they do to my journal!"
he demands.

"tony took it from your backpack not me!"

loki frowns.

"...... but lucky for you..."
thor brings his backpack to the front of his body and unzips it, grabbing a brown unkept notebook with markers and bookmarks sprawled throughout it, and a lock around it that only loki had the key to.
thor smirks as loki's jaw dropped.

"..y-you brought it back." loki stood in astonishment.

"yes i did. i know how much that means to you. you may be a nerd but you're still my brother."

"adopted" loki muttered under his breath.

"what was that?" thor asked

"thanks" loki said slightly louder this time.

"you're welcome brother." thor responds with a punch to the shoulder throwing loki slightly off balance.

they showed up at their house and separated to their own rooms right next to each other. polar opposite though.

loki's room was a dark green color, with shelf's of games like d&d, a black record player in the corner with a box of records. of course he had all of the my chemical romance albums and the used first album. plenty of others too but a lot of them were older and he didn't listen to them as much. his bed had black sheetts and his walls had posters and polaroids he had taken himself. some with peter, some of the ocean.

thor's room was a sky blue. there's a spot on the wall next to his bed where he stored all the medals he's gotten and then on his dresser held the trophys. he is always commended for his athletic achievements(especially by their father). on the ceiling fan there are small birds dangling. some weights on the floor and clothes slightly scrambled across his unmade bed, which had a red blanket.

they are completely different, yet they manage to get along .. sometimes.

loki is sat on his bed listening to revenge from his record player. ever since he was a little kid he didn't quite know what was wrong with him. he would teleport himself accidentally when he wasn't paying attention or sometimes be able to form things in his hands then it not be there again. he called them his super powers, but he knows there's no such things as superheroes. and if there were.. he would never be one.

breathing problems (marvel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now