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i'm not one to complain about learning but  my english teacher just won't leave peter and i alone. it's seems as if her favorite thing to do is intentionally messing up peters pronouns and it absolutely drives me insane.
peter is a trans boy. that's why he's teased so much. it doesn't help that we're social nobody's, but that's the main reason. he's straight (and least i think he is?) and he passes really well. it's just that the kids in our school are ignorant and we've known each other for way
too long.
peter just started testosterone so he started puberty a little later than everyone else. that's where the torment starts. "penis parker" when he's alone and "the nerd herd" when we're together. it's useless so we take the beating until we can escape and go home. that's just our life, we don't need pity because we're used to it.

there are people in the school that do stand up for us sometimes like bucky barnes. he's kinda mysterious, he's almost a nerd but he punches way too hard for that. he's just kinda the "bad boy". he always wears gloves so there's a rumor about how he has a metal arm but i doubt it.

but when it comes to me i really don't understand why they pick on me of all people. you would think i would be a little cooler, or at least not a loser because of my idiot brother's social status. he's the stereotypical football jock, parades around the school shouting and causing havoc. when he joins his idiot friends they're all big bullies which never really works out for him or me because me and peter are mostly their favorite victims.

i'm non binary,this would be a perfect reason for me to be bullied but the only person who knows is peter. he's cool with it obviously, so i just don't understand.

today is homecoming, i have to go to the game because i have to go "support my brother" i'm considering just going to the library to skip it, but i'll be grounded forever.

i'm walking home alone, which isn't ever good. but i'll be home soon. i'm thinking about picking out a nice outfit to wear later, ya know, since the whole school plus their parents will be there.

walking, walking, walking.
i see my house from here finally so i know i'm fine. my phone buzzes in my pocket so i take it out to look. it's not just a youtube notification which is slightly surprising, but it's a text from peter.

peter: hey loki you going to homecoming ?

loki: yeah i gotta go watch thor

peter: you wanna go with me ?

loki: yeah sure, you wanna meet me to the left of the bleachers?

peter: yepper see you there

loki: bYe
_____ -

"father i'm seeing peter at the game okay?" loki spoke quietly and quickly as he put on his shoes getting ready to leave.

"yes but i assume you will be watching the game as well..?"

"yes of course." loki says sort of passively, but not enough to be noticed.

"good. thor is already at school. you're coming in the car?"

"yeah i need a ride thanks"

he watches his father go out the door
and follows him. he grabs a black jacket to put over his dark green t shirt. it's always cold at football games.
since i can duplicate myself i like messing with people. theres always a fair at homecoming so whenever people get cotton candy i take bits and bring it to me secretly when no ones watching.

it's quite fun to see people's reactions to two of the same people.

"are you sure they're not in the stands" loki asks peter who's looking around with some popcorn in his hand.

"yeah loki don't worry bout it, they're all on the field..." peter is unattached to their conversation as they pass liz, wade, and heimdall huddled together at the bottom of the stands.

a sideways glance comes from loki, but he knows better not to ask. peter is pretty private about liking people, that sort of thing.

but liz? or even weirder, heimdall? or even MORE weird, WADE?

that's a conversation for another time.

they go to the top of the bleachers on the farthest side from the entrance and take their seats. some middle school boys are sat in front of them, cracking your mom jokes, not a care in the world. they were like that once.

"what are we doing here?" peter asks. "we don't know anything about football. plus we have no friends except each other." he seems tired already, even though they just got there.

"i'm here because my dad is an asshole and makes me go to things just so he can brag about how much he likes thor, and you're here to hang out with my lame ass cause i need somebody here because i have crippling social anxiety."
peter almost  falls out of his chair laughing and loki's chuckling along.

"I -i have cRiPPLING depEssiOn!" peter squeaks.

they're both uncontrollably laughing now, so much so that they don't even care that those middle schoolers are staring. not a care in the world.

breathing problems (marvel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now