Chapter 8

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Joise POV

I lean against my door and open it and the first thing that comes to my mind is "Hey I didn't see you at breakfast." (L-Lizzie J-Josie)

L: "I'm to excited to eat. Happy birthday to us.(spinning Josie in a hug) Isn't a beautiful day for a party?"
J: "you're cheerful."
L: "why wouldn't I be moms coming home, I had sex with raf, my pores are practically invisible..."
J: "wait what? Your had sex with..."
L: "It's happened last night. You know how mom always says that things workout, in the end the way they're suppose to? She's right. I wouldn't have time to represent the witches now with a boyfriend, so you getting the consolation prize is perfect. Okay I need your help. I'm going for Meghan Markle tasteful."
P: "woot, woot! Happy birthday witches"
L: "Oh look. It's Satin in a crop top. Came to but my world down?"
P: "retro. Princess Di before she got style. I dig it."
J: "What do you want?"
P: "Oh, just to cheer you to up. Ya know, cause your moms not coming."
L&J: "What?"
P: "Oh, I heard them cancel her pickup at the office. I thought you knew."
(Lizzie slams door in her face and looks at Josie, they walk down hall to their dads office and Lizzie giggles the knob)
L: "uh Dad why is your door locked?"
J: "And when were you going to tell us mom wasn't coming back?"
A: "I was about to. There-There's a strike at the airport in Mozambique."
(Joise and Lizzie look at each other with suspicion)
L: "she couldn't compel a pilot and hop on a private jet?"
A: "She'll explain everything later okay? But right now I just need you to go because I'm wrapping your presents."
J: "No, you're not. You're lying threw your teeth."(both put hands on door a syphon the spell from the door)
L: "Who's this trollup?"
J: "Oh my god."
A: "I need you to leave right now."
BM(bio mom): "I'm sorry, how old are you?"
L&J: "16."
L: "Today. It's our birthday."
BM: "You're twins?"
L: "What are we interrupting here?"
A: "I'm serious. Do as I say and just go."
J: "Lizzie."
L: "What?"
J: "Lizzie, it's her."
L: "her who?"
J: (pulls photo off shelf) "Her."
L: "Holy crap. You're bio-mom."

BM: "This is impossible I wasn't even showing at our wedding... how?"
A: "Your crazy family coven magically implanted them into Caroline when you died. She's their birth mother."
BM: "Caroline? So... you two..."
A: "No she married Stefan Salvatore, who basically died on their wedding day too, but that's a long story."
L: "They're still very close."
A: "We opened this school together."
L: "she's over seas right now doing very Important recruiting work. I'm lizzie after my mother's mom."
J: "And I'm Josie. Josette. Like..."
BM: "me."

Josie POV

"Dad is so suspicious." I tell Lizzie as I brush her hair. "Uh, duh. So am I." She said. "I just think that she is more fairy godmother than zombie." "She's not our mother Josie. She's DNA. We can be mad at mom all we won't for missing our party, but we cannot cheat on her with mombie dearest. (Looks at Josie) you're not even dressed. I don't want to be late to my own party." She said in a worried voice. "I'm done, I'll catch up with you, okay?" She walked out of the room and I went over to my dresser and looked at my bed to see a letter behind my pillow. I grab it and open it to see a little bag and a letter. I set the pouch onto the bed and read the letter.
Hope your birthday wishes come true.
I smile and grab the pouch and open it to see a Beautiful silver necklace with some things on it I put it on and looked at it and smiled. Someone knocked on the door and I looked it was Penelope which made me stop smiling. "Hey Jo Jo, do you need and escort?" I looked back at my bed and out the letter back and said "Sure. Do you know anyone who doesn't have a heart of stone?. Well don't answer that and I'm not going with you now I have to go." And with that I shut the door in her face. I put on my dress and walked down the hallway to my dads room and opened the doors and looked around the room until my eyes landed on my mom. "Do you know how to braid?"

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