OMG Check Please x Child reader: pew pew

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Name:(Y/N) (L/N) Parson
Object:Sniper rifle

In a universe people receive a special object. This objective represents you. There are little things like earrings and keychains then big things like cameras and sports equipment. But sometimes people use there objects to hurt people, that were scavenger come in. These are people with the most highly respected objects ever, weaponry. These people are here to keep the balance.
And that's were you come in.
On the day you summoned your object, but it was a dark day. You were locked in a room after being kidnaped. Soon you heard fighting and saw a scavenger fighting the men that had kidnaped you. One was behind her ready to strike, but something happened.
You summoned a sniper rifle. One of the most rarest objects known, but instead of killing the man you put him to a deep sleep.
That day you ended up with your object and a secret.
That was also the day you lost your parents. You soon moved in with your fathers eldest nephew and your cousin, Kent Parson. He and The Aces was the only one who knew of your object. It was kinda strange with the team because the players either didn't have kid or there kids were babies. You would avoid going to games, sometimes going to at least one every other three month. If you did go to games you would stay close to the players partners who would shield you away from press.
But eventually you had to go to a special one.
"Heeeeeeyyyyy (Y/N)" Kent said as you walked into his apartment after school.
"What do you want Kent?" You ask.
"Um-well, there's a game coming up and I was wondering-" you cut him off.
"Nope" you said and walked away.
"Please, its against the Falconers" he said weakly.
You stopped.
Falconers meant traveling to Providence.
Traveling to Providence means leaving the comfort of home.
But it also meant Jack Zimmerman.
You sighed deeply and turned around.
"When are we leaving?" You asked.
Next Day
You were walking off a plane. One bag of little things and another for your dog, Bakugou. He was a little angry Pomeranian but a good dogo. He was loyal and brave.
He parked angrily as you all walked through security.
"(Y/N), why did you bring Bakugou?" Kent asked you.
"Why not?" You counter attacked.
Suddenly you saw Frank, one of the Aces, running to you guy.
"Get that rat away from me!" He yelled.
You saw that Bakugou escaped from his carrier and was chasing him.
"Stop running, he can sense fear!" You yelled back. 
Soon you got Bakugou back into his carrier and were brought to a hotel.
"Hey, check this out" Kent said showing you a video of Bakugou chasing Frank around.
"Will people even learn to mind there own business?" You ask.
You went to your room and took out Bakugou on your bed, who huffed and went to your lap.
"You wanna know something Bakugou," his ears shot up and he looked at you "I'm scared, I'm scared that someone will find out about my object and hurt Kent to get to me".
He started whimpering.
"I lost so many people already,I can't lose him to" you were trying to hold back your sobs.
You heard your door opening.
"Hey (Y/N) this pla-," Kent stopped as he saw you and sat on your bed "you wanna talk about it?".
You slowly shook your head.
"You wanna binge watch The office?" He asked.
You nodded.
|Next Day|
You were walking around the stadium trying to find the concession stands with Bakugou sitting with you. You were having trouble until someone taps your shoulder.
"Are you okay?, you look lost" a nice woman asked.
"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just trying to find the concession area" you tell her.
"I'm heading there myself, I can show we're it is if you want"  a man who you presume is her husband asked you.
"Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated" you said.
Soon you were walking with them to the concession stand.
"Were are my manners, I'm Alice and this is my husband Bob, you are?".
"I'm (Y/N) and this is Bakugou" you tell her.
"Well it nice to meet you" Bob tells you.
You all chatted for awhile until you saw a young child summon there object which was a watch. Bob saw you starring.
"So (Y/N), what's your object?" He asks.
"Um- I don't talk about it often, I guess I can say it's um," you looked around to see if anyone was listening and whisper "a weapon".
"Well that's sounds lovely, my object is a necklace" Alice tells you.
"Mine doesn't come as a surprise, it's a hockey stick" Bob says.
"Well I think they sound amazing" you tell them.
Everything was going well, until it wasn't. Remember when I mentioned some people don't use there objects wisely, well that was happening.
"Everyone get to the ground!" A masked man yelled holding a pistol.
Some other men came bearing small guns and knives.
Everyone immediately dropped to the ground. Alice grabbed you and Bakugou and shoved your behind her while Bob got in front of her. You clutched Bakugou closely to your body.
"Who ever makes a move gets there brains blown out" one of them said.
Some people started to panic.
"When the boss gets the ransom we'll be out of here" you heard one whisper.
Bakugou suddenly escapes your grasp and got in front of Bob and starts to bark.
"Shut that mutt up!" One of the men yell.
Bob grabbed Bakugou and handed him towards you while the little dog was still parking up a storm.
"Give me the mutt" one man said while reaching for Bakugou but Alice slapped his hand away.
Just as he was about to harm her he fell to the ground. The other four men in the room fell to the ground soon after.
Everyone turned towards you to see a sniper rifle in your hands and your pupils shrunken. Like a cat getting ready to attack.
"Are you guys okay?" You asked.
Soon you noticed some security officers enter the room.
"Everyone please exit in a orderly fashion" one said.
"Were are the hockey players?!" You asked quickly.
"Sorry kid but-"
"My cousin is out there!, please tell me were they are!" You asked panicking.
"Name?" The officer asked.
"(Y/N) Parson, my cousin is Kent Parson" you tell them.
The officers cursed under there breath.
"Sorry kid, but these guys are keeping the players and people in the arena in side and letting no one out, if you like I could try and contact your parents-".
"You don't understand!," you yelled "Kenny is the only person I have left!, oh god, he's the only family I got" you you said collapsing to the ground.
Alice came to comfort you.
"Chief there's a problem," a officer said "if we don't get the money, there going to start taking lives, they said starting with the players".
"What did you say?" You asked whispering.
"Look kid-"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" You screamed.
The whole room went quiet.
"There going to start taking lives" the officers said nervously.
You whisper something.
You whisper a little louder but it is still barely hearable.
"What did you say?" 
"I'm going to kill them!" You said angrily.
You looked and saw a large window that lead to the view of the ice. You grabbed a chair near by and threw it completely shattering the glass.
"Hold my dog" you told Bob handing Bakugou to him.
You then jumped out the window.
You summoned your rifle and took out several of the men in mid air.
You than took out several more once landing.
All hell breaks loose.
Soon you are running around taking out the robbers with no mercy. You ignore there pleads for mercy and cry's for help.
One shot to the head and they were out.
You soon made your way out to the ice and quickly shot down the men until there was one.
"P-please don't hurt me, I-I'll pay you" the man you assume was the boss begged.
You just did a slight smirk and aimed for his head.
"I'm sorry but I don't negotiate with scumbags like you" that was the last thing you said as you took him out.
You soon went back to normal.
You looked at Kent and started to tear up.
"KENNY!," You said running into him and hugged him "dontscaremelikethatIthoughtyouweredeadand-" you continued rambling as Kent pats your back soothingly.
"It's okay squirt I'm here" he tells you.
Soon police, paramedics, and other people were there.
You had refused to leave Kents side and eventually fell asleep while he held you.
"Hi Kent" a voice said.
It was Jack, his parents, Bitty and some of the Falconers.
"So I guess there yours?" Bob asked.
"My cousin" he tells them.
"Mind explaining how the kid did, well, that?" Thirdy asked.
Kent sighed tiredly.
"(Y/N) hasn't had the best childhood" he tells them while pulling you closer to him protectively "they were kidnaped for there object, and well, lost there parents along the way. All happening when they were ten, a year after I joined the Aces. After that the kid got diagnosed with separation anxiety, Monophobia, Agoraphobia, and panic attacks. God, no kid should have to go through that. And with there object as well".
"Poor dear" Bitty said as he was almost in tears.
And Jack.
Jack is thinking 'Why?,don't people know what happens, don't they know what they could cause...'.
"-and add today, God I'm a horrible cousin" Kent said.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know" Tater tells him.
Soon you and Kent went back to the hotel.
"Kenny, why is life cruel?" You asked.
"I really don't know (Y/N)" he tells you.
"I ruined everything, didn't I?" You tell him.
"Actually you did," he chuckled "while you were sleeping me and Jack had a talk and-well- were good now, and I might have gotten a date with a certain Russian hockey player who plays for the Falconers".
"YOU WHAT," you said excitedly "omg think about how cute your kids will be!".
"(Y/N) it's one date" he tells you.
"I know were this is going" you tell him.
You both just laughed and sat on the bed. You watched as Bakugou chased his favorite toy around.
"I have a feeling, it's not good, but it's not bad, that life is gonna get a little more interesting" you tell Kent.
"I think your right" he said.
"I mean, how bad can it be!" 
Hope you enjoyed.

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With the power of Pinterest and a lot of patience I have created this to give to the woman that birthed me and love dearly with all my soul

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With the power of Pinterest and a lot of patience I have created this to give to the woman that birthed me and love dearly with all my soul.

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